2019 WTD Parade Procedure and Reminders

Hello Guides!

Please take note of the following for the WTD Parade on 26th February, Tuesday.

Reporting time: 0715 at the usual canteen tables
Attire: Full Guides Uniform (including belt, whistle, scarf, trefoil, world badge etc), Guides Hat, Polished boots, White socks (at least 3 fingers above ankles), Hair/bun net, Spectacle hooks (if needed)

- Take note that if any part of your uniform is missing on Tuesday, you will not be allowed to participate in the parade
- Please sew on your epaulettes and all your badges
- Polish boots
- Adjust skirt if necessary

Parade procedure:

1.     Contingent contingent, masok baris.
(March-in beat begins)
Contingent marches in. Once guides have reached their positions, they will hentak on the spot and turn to face the front according to the drum beat. Drumming stops.
Marianne marches to the front of contingent and Sonia marches to the back of contingent according to Sonia's timing (up, up, up).

2.     Contingent contingent, ke-kenan lurus.
Timer will give timing of ‘one check one’. Whole company will then adjust dressing according to the right marker. There should be as little shuffling made by boots as possible. Marianne will turn to face the squad and squad commanders will adjust their positions according to the middle person of the whole contingent. Marianne and Sonia will stop hentaking at "up".

3.     Contingent contingent, pandang ke-hadapan, pandang.
Timer will give another timing of ‘up’ immediately after and whole company to jerk their heads and arms back to original position.

 4.     Contingent contingent, senang diri.

5.     Sekolah sedia.
All will sedia with school population.
Parade commander and CLs will turn to face the flag poles. Sonia will give timing of ‘check up’ for all to salute while national anthem plays.
(Music for national anthem plays)
Sonia will then give timing of ‘check down’ for all to check down. Parade commander and CLs will then turn back to face the contingent.

6.     Membechekan ikrar.
Timer will give timing of ‘check up’ (don't raise fist before timing). After reciting the pledge, timer will give timing of ‘check down’.

7.     Sekolah senang diri.
After reciting the pledge, colour party will march to the atrium. Thinking Day message will be read out by CLs.

8.     Contingent contingent, sedia.
Colour party marches back on podium.
CLs will lead the company in renewing the guide promise. “Guides let’s renew our promise.”
Timer will give timing of ‘check up’ and ‘check down’.
Note: Everyone will recite the guide promise together immediately after timer give timing of ‘check up’.

9.     Contingent contingent, begerak ke-kanan bertiga-tiga, ke-kanan pusing.
Timer will give timing of ‘one check one’ for contingent to turn to the right, facing the canteen. Squad commanders will march back to the extreme front and back of the contingent according to Sonia's timing (up, up, up).

10.  Contingent contingent, dari kiri cepat jalan.
(Band starts playing march-out beat)
Contingent will march off towards the canteen. Guides will hentak until the music prompts them to berhenti towards the end. Marianne will then ask the contingent to fall out. CLs, parade commander and colour party will march off after the last person passes the podium. Parade commander will give timing to march down the stairs and towards the end of the quadrangle.

Parade commander will fall back in at the podium and give the command for the school population to be dismissed “Sekolah sedia. Sekolah keluar baris.” Parade commander will then fall out and join the rest of the company at the canteen.

Jiayou for parade! We can do this!

CLs and ACLs '19