
Showing posts from March, 2012

Programme Schedule for CCA on 30th March 2012

Hi Guides,

Here is the programme schedule for this Friday's CCA:

Roll call and briefing
Enrolment test for Sec1s
401 classroom
Basic Counselling Course for Sec2s- Sec4s
Birthday Celebration

Sec1s- Sec4s: PE Attire
Things to note:
  1.  Sec1s, please bring along your writing materials (foolscap and pencil box) and your IRONED SCARF to CCA on Friday for your test.
  2.  The venue for the course will be confirmed at a later date.

Thank you!

Sec1 Enrolment Test


Please take note that your enrolment test is on 30th March 2012, Friday, from 3.00pm-5.00pm.

Attire: PE Attire

Please bring along your ironed scarf and writing materials (pen and foolscap paper) and meet at the canteen for roll call before the test.

Thank you!

Testwork ICs Ting Ting and Hwee Han

No CCA on Fri, 23rd March 2012

Hi Guides,

Please take note that there will not be CCA tomorrow, 23rd March as shown on the schedule.
So study hard for block test 1 and we will see you next Friday, 30th March for CCA.

Thank you!


Homemaker's Badge 15 March

Dear sec 3s and sec 4s,
Mrs Mindi Peter has just confirmed that she can conduct the Homemaker's badge training on 15 March.
These are the details:

Participants: ALL sec 3, ALL 7 PGA sec 4 who don't have the homemaker's badge, optional for other interested sec 4s (everyone please confirm your attendance with Ashleigh and collect consent forms from her)
Date & Time: 15 Mar, 9am to 2pm
Venue: Girl Guides Singapore, 9 Bishan Street 14
What to bring: Apron, teatowels and sewing kit. Fabrics will be provided for the sewing of the hem.
Attire: Half uniform with yellow tee

Ms Teng

Programme Schedule for CCA on 2nd March 2012

Hi Guides!
Below is the programme schedule for Gadgets session tomorrow.

Sec 1s: NY PE Tee with NY shorts or dark blue/black straight cut FBTs
Sec 2s & 3s: LSC'11 Tee with NY shorts or dark blue/black straight cut FBTs
Sec 4s: Blue Tee with NY shorts or dark blue/black straight cut FBTs

Things to note:
  • Please revise knots and lashes (square lash, diagonal lash, snake lash, tripod lash, etc.) which can be found in Guide Handbook pages 150 - 163 before CCA session.
  • Sec 3s and 2s are expected to take more initiative in teaching sec 1s the knots and lashings
  • Remember to appoint a timekeeper for each patrol
  • Please tell your PLs if you are not coming for CCA before CCA starts and give her the reason as well. We have mentioned this before so please remember.
  • A more detailed timeframe will be given during the activity itself

Thank you and see you tomorrow!

A*StAR '12