
Showing posts from January, 2021

Tuesday 02/02/2021 Schedule

 Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 2nd February, Tuesday.

Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking + Briefing

Exco & ICs
4.00pm- 5.00pm

Sec 2s: Foot drills


Sec 3 & 4s: PLC


 Lecture Theatre 1
(Coy 1 - left side 
Coy 2- right side
*to keep a distance
away from each other)

Foot drills (Sec 2-4s)

*In Coys



Debrief + taps  Quadrangle  Exco, ICs & Guider on duty 

Sec 2-4s: PE shirt + Guides skirt + Belt & Whistle + Hat + WHITE Socks + Boots + Bun & net/hairnet + Specs hooks (if necessary)
*Hair should be in LOW buns; if you have short hair, you are expected to come with your hairnet
*Socks should NOT have NYGH logo
*No accessories (eg watches, earrings etc.) should be worn

List of reminders:

1. *Everyone should report at exactly 3.45pm!! Attendance taking will be in coys and we will be doing roll call.

2. Please be punctual. If you really cannot make in on time because of a valid reason, notify the PLs beforehand and PLs do take note of your patrol’s attendance :)) 

3. *Remember to revise footdrill commands before the CCA session!!

4. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!! Any attire mistake will result in PT as a batch.

5. Stick to your own coy, no mingling with Guides from the other coy. 


Friday 29/1/2021 Schedule

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 29 Jan, Friday. Do note that CCA is for ALL Guides.
Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking + Briefing Quadrangle EXCO and Guiders
ODC Grass Patch beside Basketball CourtEveryone 

Debrief and taps

Sec 2s: PE Shirt + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 3s: PE Shirt + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 4s: Guides Shirt + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs

List of reminders:

1. Please be punctual! Report by 3.45pm

2. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!! Do take note that wearing the wrong attire would result in PT for your patrol. 

3. Please take note and adhere to the safe distancing measures and maintain a one metre distance between each other (unless activities are done in Groups of 8.)

4. Do remember to bring the necessary items for ODC within your buddy patrols. 



Tuesday 26/1/2021 Schedule

 Hi Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 26th January, Tuesday. 

Do note that CCA is for ALL GUIDES on Tuesday.

Time Activity Venue Action by
Roll call + Attendance Taking
Quadrangle (in batches)  

4.00pm-6.00pm Commonwealth Knowledge Badge Respective Classrooms
(by batches)
6.00pm-6.15pm Debrief + taps
Quadrangle (in batches) 

Exco, ICs & Guider on duty

Sec 2s: LSC’20 shirt (Red) + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 3s: LSC’20 shirt (Yellow) + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 4s: LSC’20 shirt (Orange) + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Note: wrong attire will result in PT for the whole patrol

List of reminders:

1. Please be punctual! Report by 3.45pm. Let your PLs know in advance if you know that you will be late for a valid reason.

2. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!!

3. Please stick to your own batch and avoid mingling with Guides from other batches.

4. Bring along device and stationery for this session. 



Friday 22/1/2021 Schedule

 Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 22 Jan, Friday. Do note that CCA is for SEC 3S AND 4S ONLY.
Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking + Briefing
Library level 4

Sec 3s: please take attendance and report it to EXCO
Heritage Badge Session - For Sec 3s BPA (2.30pm-5pm) - For Sec 4s
Sec 3s: Library level 4
Sec 4s: Conference Room A

Debrief and taps

Library level 4Sec 3s and Guider in charge
Sec 3s: LSC’20 shirt (Yellow) + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 4s: FULL Guides uniform *HAIR MUST BE IN 2 PLEATS*

Take Note: Sec 2s are supposed to stay at home and complete the Guidinglight assignments assigned to you. You do not need to come for physical CCA.

List of reminders:

1. Please be punctual! Report by 3.45pm

2. For those NOT taking part in BPA (Sec 4s), GuidingLight Assignments will be assigned to you for you to do AT HOME. You do not need to come for physical CCA as well. 

3. For those taking part in BPA, please remember to bring your Full Uniform and sew on ALL your badges before the test. Do remember to bring all necessary items to the test. Jiayous to everyone and hope we all pass with flying colours :))

4. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!! For Sec 4s in the wrong attire, you will not be allowed to take the test.

5. Please take note and adhere to the safe distancing measures and maintain a one metre distance between each other (unless activities are done in Groups of 8.)


Tuesday 19/1/2021 Schedule

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 19th January, Tuesday.

 Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking + Briefing

Exco & FCs
4.00pm- 6.00pm Footdrills QuadrangleEveryone 
Debrief + taps QuadrangleExco, ICs & Guider on duty

Sec 2-4s: PE shirt + Guides skirt + Belt & Whistle + Hat + WHITE Socks + Boots (school shoes for Sec 2s) + Bun & net/hairnet + Specs hooks (if necessary)
Sec 4s (TAKING BPA): PE shirt + School skirt + Hat + WHITE Socks + Boots + Bun & net/hairnet + Specs hooks (if necessary)
*Hair should be in LOW buns; if you have short hair, you are expected to come with your hairnet
*Socks should NOT have NYGH logo
*No accessories (eg watches, earrings etc.) should be worn

List of reminders:

1. *Everyone should report at exactly 3.45pm!!

2. Please be punctual. If you really cannot make in on time because of a valid reason, notify the PLs beforehand and PLs do take note of your patrol’s attendance :)) 

3. *Remember to revise footdrill commands before the CCA session!!

4. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!! Any attire mistake will result in PT as a batch.

5. Stick to your own batch and remember to keep a distance from other batches. 


Friday 15/1/2021 Schedule

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 15 Jan, Friday. Do note that CCA is for ALL GUIDES on Friday.
Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking + Briefing
 Quadrangle (in Batches) 

Exco & ICs
4.00pm- 4.15pm

Introduction by Guiders & EXCO

 Vending Machine Area 


Welcome back to School Activities

 Respective venues around the  school  
Debrief + taps  Vending Machine Area Exco, ICs & Guider on duty

Sec 2s: LSC'20 shirt (Red) + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 3s: LSC’20 shirt (Yellow) + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 4s: LSC’20 shirt (Orange) + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Note: wrong attire will result in PT for the whole patrol

List of reminders:

1. Please be punctual! Report by 3.45pm. Let your PLs know in advance if you know that you will be late for a valid reason.

2. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!!

3. Please take note and adhere to the safe distancing measures and maintain a one metre distance between each other (unless activities are done in Groups of 8.)

Take Note: Attendance taking will be taken in BATCHES. Further details will be given regarding the exact location. 


Tuesday 12/1/2021 Schedule

Hello Guides!

CCA on 12th January, Tuesday is for SEC 3 & 4 GUIDES ONLY! Sec 2 Guides to work on GuidingLIGHT Assignments at home. 

Here is the schedule for CCA on 12th January, Tuesday.

 Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking
Conference room B & C

3.05pm- 3.35pm Guiders’ talk
Sec 3s: Conference room C 
Sec 4s: Conference room B

 Sec 3s: Ms Falilah
 Sec 4s: Ms Ong
 PLCConference room B & C Exco
Debrief + taps
Conference room B & C 

 Exco & Guider on duty

Sec 3s: PE Shirt + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 4s: Guides Shirt + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs

List of reminders:

1. Please be punctual! Report by 3.00pm. Do report directly outside the Conference rooms (attendance taking will be done there).

2. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!!

3. Bring foolscap paper and stationery.

