
Showing posts from October, 2010

Cookie Sales

Hey Guides! :D

There will once again be a cookie sales this year!

For Sec 1s that are not sure what is it about, there will be 5 boxes of cookies distributed to each Guide to be sold to your classmate or friends. Each box of cookie will cost $10 each. Everyone is expected to pay on the spot upon getting the cookies.

This year, there will be a new cookie flavour, OATS & RAISIN. Other flavours include the usual CHOCOLATE CRUNCH, CHOCOLATE CREAM and CHOCOLATE MINT. (:

The details of the collection of cookies are as follows:

WHERE?: NYGH Guide Room (2nd level)
WHY?: To collect 5 tins of cookies each costing $10.00 (2 Chocolate Cream, 1 Chocolate Mint, 1 Chocolate Crunch, 1 Oats and Raisin)
HOW?: Pay $50.00 (please bring exact sum)!
1st November (Monday) 10.45-11.15 am ---> Sec 1s and 2s
1st November (Monday) 11.15 - 11.40 am ---> Sec 3s and 4s
2nd November (Tuesday) 9.45-10.15 am ---> Anyone who has not collected their cookies (but do inform your Sec 3s beforehand)

If you are unable to make it on the allocated day/time for your batch, you can either request for your batchmates to help, or collect on another day/time stated above. However, do inform your Sec 3s beforehand! Also, do clarify your doubts with them if you are unsure of anything.

Remember that Collection is
compulsory for all!

Thanks! (:

Cookie I/Cs

Programme Schedule for 1st November 2010

Dear guides,

It's been a while since we had a CCA session together as a company! We hope that you have regained your energy after a trying EOY period and that you are ready to have a tiring but fulfilling time getting ready for camp (:

As you should know by now, we will be having our Handover Ceremony cum Farewell on the 2nd of November. Due to the tight schedule of the day's programme, we will be pushing the rehearsal for the handover ceremony to Monday morning instead. The programme schedule is as follows:

Programme Schedule

1st November 2010



Action by



Attendance Taking and Briefing


Canteen Area


Rehearsal for Handover Ceremony

All Guides

Rooftop hall



All Guides

Canteen Area


Sec 1-4s: Hongzi with Hat, spectacle hooks, hairnet, white socks and white shoes

Do read through the procedure listed below before the rehearsal so that you will be more familiar with it. For the Sec 1s and those who have forgotten, the procedure is rather similar to the enrolment ceremony procedure. If you have any questions, do ask the Sec 3s/your PLs.

Procedure for Handover Ceremony:

  1. Company Attention

The entire company will stand at attention at this point.

  1. By Patrols, Left Wheel, Quick March

Footdrill commanders/Timers (Evie, Sihui, Vanessa) will give timing and the PL of the first patrol (Sunflower) will lead her patrol off, single file, to the left, followed by the second patrol, third patrol and so on. While waiting for the patrols to march off, the rest of the company will hentak. Guides will march to form a horseshoe formation.

  1. Centre March

Once the PL of the first patrol is in front of the flagpole, she will lead the patrols straight down, away from the flagpole until she reaches the spot where the back of the horseshoe is to be (marked by masking tape).

  1. Alternate Patrols, Right and Left March

This command will be given when the PL of the first patrol reaches the spot where the back of the horseshoe is. She will then march to the right, with her patrol following her. The next patrol leader and patrol will march to the left, followed by the third patrol marching to the right and so on. The patrols will march to form a horseshoe formation. Guides are to hentak while their positions are being adjusted.

  1. Company, halt

This command will only be given only after the shape of the horseshoe is satisfactory. Guides will then stop hentaking.

  1. Company Inward Turn

The company will turn to face the flagpole, with FCs/Timers giving the timing.

  1. Colour Party Fall Out

Colour party (Tania, Shiaowei, Sihui) takes a step back and turns right. The last person will start marching, followed by the next etc. They will march along the horseshoe formation to the front of the flagpole to break colours and salute colours. They will give their own timing.

Last person in row: Colour party, halt.

Last person in row: Colour party, right turn.

Colour party will turn to face the World Flag. The person in the centre will take a step forward to raise the World flag, after which she will take a step back to her original position.

Centre person: Check up, check down.

Here, the colour party salutes colours.

  1. Company Salute Colours
  2. Colour party back to original position, quick march

Colour party marches back to original positions. The first guide in the row will give timing.

  1. Existing PLs and PSes from Sunflower, Morning Glory and Orchid fall out

Existing PLs and PSes from the above patrols will take a step back and turn to the right. Starting from the first Guide, they will march along the horseshoe formation until they are in front of the flagpole. Guides will then hentak. Existing PLs must make sure that there is a space for the Incoming PLs to stand.

  1. Existing PLs and PSes, halt

To be said by the last person in the row.

  1. Existing PLs and PSes, left turn

CLs will give this command. The PLs and PSes are now facing inward towards the horseshoe formation.

  1. Incoming PLs and PSes from Sunflower, Morning Glory and Orchid fall out

Incoming PLs and PSes will take a step back and turn to the right and march along the horseshoe formation until they are in front of the flagpole. Guides will then hentak.

  1. Incoming PLs and PSes, halt

To be said by the last person in the row.

  1. Incoming PLs and PSes, right turn

To be said by the last person in the row. After this command, the incoming PLs and PSes will be facing the existing PLs and PSes. Existing PLs and PSes will then fall out and put on the white ribbons on the epaulette of the juniors. They will fall in again in a straight line (like before) after they are done.

  1. New PLs and PSes from Sunflower, Morning Glory and Orchid, inward turn

Timing will be given by the last person in the row.

  1. Company Salute new PLs and PSes

FCs will give the timing “check up, check down” and the company will salute the new PLs and PSes.

  1. New PLs and PSes return salute

Timing will be given by the last person in the row.

  1. New PLs and PSes back to original position, quick march

Guides will march back to their original positions. The first person in the row will give the timing “one check one, left, left, left right…”.

  1. Seniors back to original position, quick march

Once back in their original positions, the CLs will call out the existing PLs and PSes and incoming PLs and PSes of the next three patrols and the same procedure will be repeated.


After the handover of leadership to all PLs and PSes is over, existing CLs and ACLs will fall in and march to the front of the flagpole and face the company.

  1. Incoming CLs and ACLs fall out
  2. Incoming CLs and ACLs right turn

Existing CLs and ACLs will fall out and put on the white ribbons on the epaulette of the juniors. They will fall in again in a straight line (like before) after they are done.

  1. New CLs and ACLs inward turn (to face company)
  2. Company salute new CLs and ACLs
  3. New CLs and ACLs back to original positions, quick march

The old CLs and ACLs will then fall out and wait for everyone to return back to their original places.

  1. Company fall out

Guides are to fall in (in patrols) in front of the flagpole and the new CLs and ACLs/Farewell ICs will take over from there.

Things to note:

- Never step into the horseshoe after it is formed.

Order of Patrols

First group: Sunflower, Morning Glory, Orchid

Second group: Ixora, Hibiscus, Jasmine

Third group: Sparrow, Oriole, Dove

Fourth group: Flowerpecker, Kingfisher, Swallow

See you on Monday!


AMMPlified (:

Update in Schedule

Dear all,
The NYGG Schedule has been updated due to HQ events. Precamp and camp dates have changed, please take a look.
See you soon for Farewell! Make sure you do a good job for your sec 4s! :)

Ms Teng

Hello sec 1s and 2s!

As you all know, talentime is nearing! Hence, the Sec3s will be holding the auditions this wednesday, from 2.45pm-3.30pm. Auditions for the Sec 1s will be held in 303 classroom, and auditions for Sec 2s will be held in 305 classroom. The groupings, as well as the timeslots allocated to each group are as follows :

Sec 1s

Group No. + Timeslot



1 (2.45pm-2.55pm)

Crystal Chong

Nicole Lee Zhi Ying

Tiong Shu Hui

Li Bai Hui

Jere Low



Kah Min

Chiou Chyong


Qian Yu

Xin Hui

Pei Xuan

Yu Lin

2 (2.55pm-3.05pm)



Nicole Thong


3 (3.05pm-3.15pm)

Shu Wei




Neo Ying

4 (3.15pm-3.25pm)

Zhi Qin

Yun Min


Jia Xin

Yan Jie

Sec 2s

Group No. + Timeslot



1 (2.45pm-2.55pm)

Roselyn Yeo

Shu Hui

Choo Wen Xin

Hannah Lim

Gladys Ng

Ashleigh Toh



Jia Chee


Yee Khoon

Jia Yu



2 (2.55pm-3.05pm)

Gwendelyn Ong

Sandra Ng

Shanisse Goh

Rachel Ng

Xiao Jia Chun

3 (3.05pm-3.15pm)






4 (3.15pm-3.25pm)

He Chen

Ng Zi Ning

Cheryl Tay

Tan Ting Ting

Ng K-Cia

Chai Hwee Han

The theme will be Blast from the Past, and the time limit will be 5-10min for each group. All are expected to come in PE shirt + NY skirt and please remember to be punctual! Do put on your best performance, as only 1 group per batch will be selected to perform on the day itself! Jiayous! (:


Talentime I/Cs