Programme Schedule for CCA on 16th January, Tuesday

Hello Guides!
Here is the schedule for CCA on 16th January, Tuesday.

Action By
1500 - 1515
Roll call
CLs and ACLs
1515 - 1545
Briefing for Sec 3s and 4s
Vending Machine Area
Briefing for Sec 2s
Cheryl and Zhixian
1545 - 1745

1st batch of Sec One students: 1545-1645

2nd batch of Sec One students: 1645-1745
COY 1: Basket Weaving
COY 2: Indoor Cooking
Various Locations
Sec 3s and 4s
Photographer Badge
Various Locations
Sec 2s
1745 - 1800
Debrief and Taps
Vending Machine Area

Sec 2 - 3s: PE shirt with PE shorts or Dark Blue/Black FBTs
Sec 4s: Guides Shirt with PE shorts or Dark Blue/Black FBTs

Things to note: 
  • Sec 2s, please bring one digital camera per buddy patrol.
  • Groups doing basket weaving please bring 3 days' worth of newspaper per group, scissors and staplers.
  • Groups doing IDC please bring one poncho per pit.
  • Remember to bring your twigs and punk.
CLs and ACLs'18