Updated Announcement: Combined Sports Meet Helpers

Hello Guides!

Combined Sports Meet (CSM) is next Wednesday and Sec 2-3s are involved in serving refreshments to the competitors and teachers, along with other yeoman services.

Please meet Ms Falilah by 7.30a.m. at the right-hand side of the Hwa Chong Stadium, facing the road. Please help to look out for one another!

Sec 2s: LSC T-Shirt + Belt, Whistle, Guides Skirt, White Socks and Shoes
Sec 3: NYGG T-shirt + Belt, Whistle, Guides Skirt, White Socks and Shoes

Please help to notify the rest of your batch.

//Please inform your PLs of your attendance by Wednesday, 21 May 2014. Only guides participating in sports events are excused. If you are unable to attend for any other reason, please also inform your PLs of your reason for absence.
PLs are to update either the CLs or ACLs of your patrol's attendance by Thursday, 22 May 2014.//

All guides should have already informed their PLs of their attendance. If there are any new changes, please still do inform your PLs.

Thank you!

CLs and ACLs