Testworks Session on 14th Jan (for Sec 4s only)

Hello Guides! 

There will be a testwork session on the 14th of January only for the Sec 4s, from 1550-1700. The testworks that are to be tested are listed below:

Section 2 Module 3.1: Safety devices and measures (pg 131-133)
Section 2 Module 3.2: Water, gas electric mains (pg 134)
Section 3 Module 1.2: Axemanship theory (pg 143-149)
Section 4 Module 1.1: Road Safety (pg 197-199)
Section 4 Module 2.2: Fire, gas and electrical accidents (pg 209-212)
Section 5 Module 3.2: World conference, committee, bureau (pg 244-251)
Section 5 Module 3.3: World centres (pg 246-250)

Guides are to check what testworks they have yet to complete from the excel sheet on google docs, read and revise the relevant sections of the Guide Handbook mentioned above, and study for the testworks sufficiently.

S2-02 will also be used as a classroom for some arts and crafts activities for those Sec 4s who have finished their testworks.

If you have any questions, please contact the testwork I/Cs, Shi Ying and Azalea! 

CLs & ACLs '14