Hi guides,

There will be a Testworks Session on 24 April, next Tuesday, from 3.30 - 5.30pm. This is an official CCA Session, so all guides are required to attend.

Below are the following Testworks each level will be taking.

Sec 1s: Flag Etiquette Theory (pg 233), Thrift Theory
Sec 2s: Flag Etiquette Practical, Flag Etiquette Theory (pg 233), Thrift Theory
Sec 3s: Flag Etiquette Practical, Flag Etiquette Theory (pg 233), Thrift Theory
Sec 4s: WAGGGS Theory, WAGGGS Practical, World Conference, Committee and Bureau, World Centres (pg 241- 250)

Please refer to your Guide Handbook for more details. (:

Remember to bring your NYGG Handbook and writing materials on that day.

Thank you! (:

Testwork I/Cs,

Hwee Han and Ting Ting