Programme Schedule for CCA on 2nd March 2012

Hi Guides!
Below is the programme schedule for Gadgets session tomorrow.

Sec 1s: NY PE Tee with NY shorts or dark blue/black straight cut FBTs
Sec 2s & 3s: LSC'11 Tee with NY shorts or dark blue/black straight cut FBTs
Sec 4s: Blue Tee with NY shorts or dark blue/black straight cut FBTs

Things to note:
  • Please revise knots and lashes (square lash, diagonal lash, snake lash, tripod lash, etc.) which can be found in Guide Handbook pages 150 - 163 before CCA session.
  • Sec 3s and 2s are expected to take more initiative in teaching sec 1s the knots and lashings
  • Remember to appoint a timekeeper for each patrol
  • Please tell your PLs if you are not coming for CCA before CCA starts and give her the reason as well. We have mentioned this before so please remember.
  • A more detailed timeframe will be given during the activity itself

Thank you and see you tomorrow!

A*StAR '12