Nanyang Guides Solid!

Hi Guides!

Parade is tomorrow and we just want to say that we can see how much you guys have improved since we first started and we are really thankful to all who have put in their best for footdrill, especially today's rehearsals. So the day we have been training for is finally here and we want to tell you guys that don't worry for tomorrow, because once you take pride in what you are doing, hard work and determination will never betray you. Remember all we have taught you and put in your best for tomorrow because it will be an experience to remember. :)

Sec 4s, this is our last parade ever, and we have really come a long way from our first one, so treasure tomorrow!

Sec 3s, this is your second parade so take pride in it as next year, you guys will be the ones leading this parade!

Sec 2s, this is your very first time being a part of parade, and just give it your best, because only then can you truly experience it.


A*StAR and FCs '12