
For those of you who did not come for CCA last Friday (and for those who need reminders), below are points the CLs raised up during debrief. Do take note of them in the future.

1. Greetings
(i) Before CCA begins, you need to greet the Ma'ams and seniors (if any) when you see them. (You do not have to greet the CLs, ACLs, Sec4s etc., as they will be coming down at different times.)

(ii) At the end of roll call, the entire company will give an official greeting to the Ma'ams, seniors (if any), CLs and ACLs.

(iii) During CCA, when moving from station to station, you are required to greet Ma'ams/seniors (including CLs, ACLs and Sec 4s) present at the station. Greet them as of who they are; in other words, greet Sec 4s as Sec 4s and not i/cs.
Wrong: "Good afternoon I/Cs."
Correct: "Good afternoon Sec 4s."

(iii) Also, take note that you are required to greet before entering rooms such as the Guide room, Guide store or any classrooms used for activities.

(iv) When travelling from station to station, you do not have to greet the Ma'ams and seniors. However, basic courtesy applies. Do smile/nod/bow when you walk past them.

(v) When you're meeting Ma'ams/seniors during lunchtime or after school, you need to greet them as well. Be discerning on how formal the meeting is, if it is really informal, you do not have to greet.

(vi) When we conduct activities in public, greetings are not required, to avoid any disturbance.

(vii) All greetings must be loud, crisp and clear. If the greetings are sloppy, you will be required to greet again.

2. CCA attendance
(i) All Guides need to inform your PLs if you are not attending CCA or will be coming late/leaving early. PLs also need to inform the ACLs of their patrol members' absence ASAP before CCA. This is extremely important, as it affects the programme and running of the CCA session.

(ii) If your activity ends at 5:15pm (or earlier), you are required to be present for the rest of the CCA session. Failure to do so will be considered truancy, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

3. Reminders
(a) Sec 1s are reminded to meet the FCs at the Guide room on Tuesday during lunch to collect your boots.

(b) All Guides are reminded to sign up for Talentime by lunchtime on Monday. The I/Cs will be removing the sign-up sheet after school on Monday.