Thinking Day procedure

Hello again!

This is Thinking Day 2009's Parade procedure.
Please look through it and familiarise yourselves with the commands.

Parade commander (Hui Er):
Contingent contingent, masuk baris.

Squad 1 (Sarah) and Squad 2 (Lingxin) commanders (in unison):
Sekuad dari kanan, cepat jalan.
March-in music will start to play (recording of drum beat).
Following the drum beat, squad 1 and 2 will march into the quadrangle.

Note: Squads have to impede at one point during the march-in, more details will be explained to you on Friday.

Squads have to hentak upon reaching position.
Upon the cue of the drum beat (you will get to listen to it on Friday), squads will turn and face ke-hadapan (i.e. facing the classroom block). The music will then stop.

Squad 1 and squad 2 commanders will then march to the front (middle) of their respective squads, facing the parade commander.

Squad 3 commander(Chinwen) :
Sekuad dari kanan, cepat jalan.
March-in music will start to play and following the drum beat, squad 3 will march into the quadrangle from the Admin block. Upon reaching position, squad 3 will have to hentak and berhenti according to the cue of the drum beat.

Note: For squad 3, there will be no need to impede

Parade commander:
Contingent contingent, ke-kanan lu-rus.
The whole contingent takes dressing from the right marker.
Squad commanders will turn to face their respective squads.

Note: Do not shuffle as the noise made will be able to be heard by the whole school. Also, wait for the person on your right to take her dressing before adjusting your position and taking your own dressing, so that it will not look messy and disorganized.

Parade commander:
Contingent contingent pandang ke-hadapan pandang.
Squad commanders will turn back to face the parade commander.

Parade commander:
Contingent contingent, senang di-ri.

Parade commander :
Sekolah sedia.
Contingent will sedia along with the whole school.

Parade commander and company leader(Xiaoen) will turn to face the national flag.

Parade commander and squad commanders will salute.
The National Anthem will be played.
At the end of the national anthem, the colour party will take one step backward and salute. Parade commander, squad commander and company leaders will check down (jerk arms down) at the same time.

Note: Do not be misled by the timings given to salute. Other than the colour party and footdrill/parade commanders, the contingent will not need to salute. Contingent will stand at attention while the national anthem is being played.

Parade commander will turn to face the front.

Parade commander:
Membacherkan Igra. [pledge]
Reciting of pledge will be in Chinese and contingent is to repeat the pledge after Hui Er.

Parade commander:
Sekolah senang di-ri.
Contingent will senang di-ri along with the entire school.
Colour party to march to the back of the podium.

Thinking day message will be said by Xiaoen.

Note: The message will be about 3 minutes long. However stiff you are, please do not fidget and keep your eyes focused at one point and not dart it around. When you feel numb, try wiggling your toes (it helps).

Parade commander:
Contingent contingent, sedia.
Colour party to march to the podium.

Renewal of Guide Promise to be said by Company leader.
Company leader: Guides, lets renew our Promise.
Repeat the Promise after Xiao En.

Note: Listen carefully for the timing – check up and check down. Be attentive and react on time.

Parade commander:
Contingent contingent bergerak ke-kanan bertiga-tiga, ke-kanan pusing.
The contingent will now be facing the canteen.
Squad commanders will march to the front and back of the respective squads.

Squad commander of squad 3 will remain at the same position(beside the squad).

Parade commander:
Contingent contingent dari kiri cepat ja-lan.
March-out music will start to play.
Following the drum beat, the contingent will march out of the quadrangle into the canteen area smartly and neatly.
Company leaders and colour party to march off after last person in contingent passes podium.

Morning announcements to be read.

Note: When squads have reached the canteen area, squad commanders will command their squad to berhenti. Following that, the squad falls out immediately, to allow the other squads to have sufficient space to march in. Once guides have fallen out, remember to keep quiet and gather at the canteen area before sitting down.

Parade commander (after morning announcements):
Sekolah sedia. Sekolah keluar baris.
Parade commander falls out.

On 20th February:
1. All guides (excluding Sec 1s) will have to report earlier at 6.30am at the canteen area for uniform check and one final rehearsal.
2. All 3 squads are to be in sedia position by 0720 before the school proceeds down to the quadrangle for morning assembly.

FCs (: