Programme Schedule for CCA on 9th January, Tuesday
Hello Guides!
Here is the schedule for CCA on 9th January, Tuesday.
Here is the schedule for CCA on 9th January, Tuesday.
Action By
1500 - 1515
Roll call
CLs and ACLs
1515 - 1545
Briefing for Sec 3s and 4s
Vending Machine Area
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Briefing for Sec 2s
Cheryl and Zhixian
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1545 - 1745
1st batch of Sec One students: 1545-1645
2nd batch of Sec One students:
COY 1: Indoor Cooking
COY 2: Basket Weaving
Various Locations
Sec 3s and 4s
Batch Bonding Games
Various Locations
Sec 2s
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1745 - 1800
Debrief and Taps
Vending Machine Area
Sec 2 - 3s: PE shirt with PE shorts or Dark Blue/Black FBTs
Sec 4s: Guides Shirt with PE shorts or Dark Blue/Black FBTs
Things to note:
- Groups doing basket weaving please bring one stack of newspaper per group, a pair of scissors, and a stapler each.
- Groups doing IDC please bring one poncho per pit.
- Remember to bring your twigs and punk.
Thank you and hope everyone is looking forward to Outdoor Experience 2018!
CLs and ACLs'18