Programme Schedule for CCA on 25th January, Thursday

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 25th January, Thursday.
Action By
1545 - 1600
Roll call and Briefing
Quadrangle/Vending Machine Area
CLs and ACLs
Testwork ICs
1600 - 1745
Outdoor Experience Finale
Special Rooms
Outdoor Experience ICs
1745 - 1800
Debrief and Taps
Vending Machine Area

Guides who need to take this testwork
Section 1 Module 2.1: Knowing Yourself

Guides to give a 1-2 min. presentation/speech
(scripts are allowed) about themselves based on
points given in the Guides Handbook. You can
include photos, make powerpoint slides, etc.
Sec 2s: All
Sec 3s: All
Sec 4s: Cheryl, Sihan, Selene, Jia Xuan,
Tara, Zhixian, Zi Xin

Section 2 Module 2.1: Simple Repairs
Sec 2s: All
Sec 3s: All
Sec 4s: Cheryl, Sihan, Selene, Jia Xuan,
Tara, Zhixian, Zi Xin
Section 5 Module 3.3 World Centres
Sec 2s: All except Nadia, Gabrielle, Cheryl Ow
Sec 3s: All
Sec 4s: Selene, Zhixian, Zi Xin

Sec 2 - 4s: LSC 2017 Shirt with PE shorts or Dark Blue/Black FBTs

Things to note: 
  • Guides are reminded to bring their pencilcase, foolscap paper and Guides Handbook. Treat testworks seriously and study beforehand.
  • For the "Knowing Yourself" testwork, Guides are reminded to prepare your presentation/speech beforehand. You will not be given extra time to prepare on Thursday!
CLs and ACLs'18