National Day cum Founder's Day Carnival (NDFDC)

Helo Guides!
This is regarding the National Day cum Founder's Day Carnival (NDFDC), which is on the 8th of August. Basically we are setting up a booth as a CCA and this is what we'll be selling and their respective pricing:
Price of Product(s)
No. of servings expected to be sold
Ice Popsicles
Cha Soba

Before the carnival, 
Work Allocation for Publicity Committee and Stall Decoration Committee:
Allocated Patrols
Publicity Committee
Patrols 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12
Stall Decoration Committee
Patrols 2, 5, 8, 11
*Preparing of Soba Noodles team: Shu Wei, Joyce, Tricia, Seishea and K-Cia. They will still be part of the Publicity or Stall Decoration Committee, depending on their patrols.

Things to note for the Publicity Committee (Patrols 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12)
-          4 posters per patrol
-          Hand-drawn or printed
-          Same or different designs
-          Publicize about one stall or both stalls
-          Posters must include:
-          Location of stalls
-          What we are selling
-          Pricing
-          And of course try to make them eye-catching!
-          Patrol Leaders collate and pass all posters to K-Cia by 23 July, Monday for approval by school

Things to note for Stall decoration Committee (Patrols 2, 5, 8 and 11)
-          I/Cs: He Chen and Ooi Shu Hui
-          Make banners
-          Either one banner for both stalls or each stall one banner
-          We will be having 2 canteen tables so you can decide the size(s) of the banner(s) based on their dimensions
-          There should be red and white colours to bring out the National Day element
-          To be completed by 3rd August, Friday
During the carnival itself, 
Manpower Allocation for Shifts:
Stall Set up
0945 - 1000
Shift 1
1000 – 1030
Patrols 1, 2 and 3
Shift 2
1030 – 1100
Patrols 4, 5 and 6
Shift 3
1100 – 1130
Patrols 7, 8 and 9
Shift 4
1130 - 1200
Patrols 10, 11 and 12
Clear Up
1200 – 1230
*During the shifts, while some people tend the stalls, others can walk around the school to publicize.

That's all! jiayou for your respective committees and enjoy yourselves during the carnival itself as well! :)

Thank you!
Seishea and K-Cia (I/Cs of the NDFDC Girl Guides Booth)