A note to all of you...

Hello, everyone! (:

It was announced that CCA will resume next week;

The Sec 3s will be reshuffling the programmes for our CCA schedule this term, when they discuss it during PLC (Patrol Leaders' Council, where the Sec 4s (in this case, the Sec 3s, since they're taking over CCA sessions this semester onwards) will meet once a week before CCA sessions to plan the programmes) (a lot of thought and hard work goes into planning the CCA sessions!)

Details and programmes will be finalised, before updating everyone again, so check back regularly for updates! (:

For the FC selection test, the FCs will be discussing and finalising the details before updating all of you again. Tentatively, the Sec 2s & 3s will need to be present, and it will be on the coming Tuesday, 21st July '09.

In the meantime, can the Sec 2s & 3s please check your schedules and leave a tag on the tagboard if you can't make it on Tuesday? State the reason as well. Please do prioritise and try to make it for the footdrill session, cos you'll be missing out on quite a lot if you're absent!

As for now, still do eat your fruits and veggies regularly and stay healthy yes! (: The flu might be subsiding, but we should still remain vigilant and Be Prepared (; Start work on your contribution for "What Nanyang Guides means to me" if you haven't done so! Everyone in the company is taking part in this mini-competition! Be creative and let your artistic flair flare!

Hopefully school's still manageable for every one of you! Here's a JIAYOU to all of you, keep goin'! :D Oh yes, and very important. Shoutout from the entire of Nanyang Guides to Xinhui, all the best for Council elections!! The company's behind you all the way! <3

That's about it for now, check back for updates and photos!

Your CLs & ACLs (: