Connected (mini)Competition
Dear NYGG, 
As CCA has been/is cancelled for term 3 weeks 1, 2 and 3,
we have launched the Connected (mini)Competition
to help you stay in touch with guides.
Each guide is to submit, via email, a photo/collage/song/poem/rap/anything-you-can-attach-to-an-email to your PLs by term 3 week 3 Friday, 3pm, on the theme "What NYGG means to me". If you wish to work in groups, please let us know so that we can advise you accordingly on the necessary H1N1 precautionary measures to take.
Winning entries will be posted on this NYGG blog and on the GGS website BlogGirl, and if appropriate, used in 2010's sec 1 orientation and open house montages.
Prizes will be given also.
All the best!
Ms Teng

As CCA has been/is cancelled for term 3 weeks 1, 2 and 3,

we have launched the Connected (mini)Competition

to help you stay in touch with guides.
Each guide is to submit, via email, a photo/collage/song/poem/rap/anything-you-can-attach-to-an-email to your PLs by term 3 week 3 Friday, 3pm, on the theme "What NYGG means to me". If you wish to work in groups, please let us know so that we can advise you accordingly on the necessary H1N1 precautionary measures to take.

Winning entries will be posted on this NYGG blog and on the GGS website BlogGirl, and if appropriate, used in 2010's sec 1 orientation and open house montages.

Prizes will be given also.

All the best!

Ms Teng