Programme Schedule for 24th July, Friday
Assistant in-charge: Meishan, Vanessa, Ke Ying
Time | Activity | In charge | Venue |
1445 - 1500 | Temperature taking | All guides are to take their own temperature before roll call | Canteen |
1500 - 1510 | Roll call, temperature recording | Guiders, OICs, AICs to record temperature of guides | Quadrangle |
1510 - 1525 | Briefing for Initiative Games | OICs, AICs | Art gallery |
1525 - 1725 | Initiative Games | OICs, AICs | Respective stations |
1725 - 1735 | Water break | Everyone | Canteen |
1735 – 1755 | Debrief & Prize presentation | Guiders, OICs, AICs | Art gallery |
1755 - 1800 | Taps | OICs | Art gallery |
Sec 1s to 3s: LSC’09 tee + NY shorts / dark blue FBTs
Things to note:
- Ensure that your water bottles are filled up before the CCA session.
- All guides are to read up on their orienteering skills , which can be found on pages 202 to 205 of the guide handbook.
- If you are unable to make it for the CCA session, please
- inform the sec 3 in your patrol and
- submit excuse letters (signed by Ms Teng) to the AICs
Ms Teng
Term 3 Wk 4 CCA
There will be CCA in term 3 week 4.
Tues, 21 July: all sec 3s are to attend PLC (NO FC selection), 3.30pm to 6pm in 302 classroom (302 guides please help to invite your classmates to relocate to the library).
Prepare any announcements or points of discussion you would like to bring up. Bring notebook, organiser, stationery and be seated before 3.30pm. PLC will be chaired by Ms Teng.
Fri, 24 July: all sec 1s to sec 3s (+ rostered sec 4s) are to attend CCA, 3pm to 6pm. Further details will be posted on 22 July, Wednesday.
Ms Teng
An updated note to all of you...
This is an updated version of the previous post (a note to all of you...).
CCA will be resuming next week, but as for whether FC selection will be next week or not, the Guiders are still in the midst of discussing and finalizing the date of the test. The date of FC selection test is not confirmed and we will update you once we've finalized all details. Sec 2s and 3s need not leave a tag regarding whether you are able to make it for FC selection next Tuesday, as it isn't confirmed yet.
Meanwhile, just check the company website regularly for any updates!
With love,
Your CLs and ACLs (:
A note to all of you...
Connected (mini)Competition

As CCA has been/is cancelled for term 3 weeks 1, 2 and 3,

we have launched the Connected (mini)Competition

to help you stay in touch with guides.
Each guide is to submit, via email, a photo/collage/song/poem/rap/anything-you-can-attach-to-an-email to your PLs by term 3 week 3 Friday, 3pm, on the theme "What NYGG means to me". If you wish to work in groups, please let us know so that we can advise you accordingly on the necessary H1N1 precautionary measures to take.

Winning entries will be posted on this NYGG blog and on the GGS website BlogGirl, and if appropriate, used in 2010's sec 1 orientation and open house montages.

Prizes will be given also.

All the best!

Ms Teng

FOA duty
As FOA has been postponed indefinately, please note that there will be no duty this Saturday (11th of July). Guides who have already borrowed your blue blazers, please be reminded to return them ASAP . More information regarding FOA will be given at a later date. Happy Youth Day! :D
Stay tuned for more photos and have a great week ahead! :D
Sec 4s
FOA Fringe Activities
Please take note that the Festival of Arts Fringe Activities for next week are cancelled/postponed till further notice. CCA is also cancelled for next week.
Meanwhile, do make good use of this time to catch up on your work or some sleep/rest :) Take care of your health too!
Sec 4s
FC Selection Test 2009
A special note from your CLs and ACLs...
Hey, everyone! A new term has started, hopefully everyone's rested well in the June holidays (:
There will be no CCA activities this week, due to the H1N1 situation. The school will continue to monitor the situation and we will update all of you again. During this time, spend your time wisely, be it on studies or with your family (: And do take good care of your health, yes! Drink more water, wash your hands frequently and don't fall sick! :D
The Sec 3s will be taking on leadership of the company gradually, from this term onwards. CCA sessions will be conducted by different Sec 3 I/Cs every week, so to the Sec 3s, here's a shoutout to your batch (: Believe in yourselves, support one another and yes, you can do it! And to the Sec 1 & 2 juniors, make sure you give your full support to your Sec 3 seniors, listen to them (: You'll be leading your patrols more now, also, so take care of one another and continue to keep learning and growing! (:
This is a random happy picture to give your eyes a breather (:
There are quite a few activities/initiatives lined up for this next half of the year, so look out for them! We will update the company on the Semester schedule at a later date.
The Sec 4s will be rostered down to come down for various CCA sessions, we'll still be around and do approach us if you've got any queries and come look for us if you miss us! (We'll miss you too (: )
Kudos to the Sec 2s for a job well done at GGS carnival last week! You guys have spent effort planning for this, and we're sure you've gained something out of this experience, in some way or another. Keep it up!
We'll like to raise the issue of the privacy of information here. Take note of what you tag on the tagboard, don't leave your personal information (like your handphone number!) on the tagboard. If such info needs to be given, find each other directly (: The internet is accessible to all, remember. Also, don't forget what the line above the tagboard reads, "Only one simple rule to abide by, RESPECT." The tagboard is a place for us to share our opinions (like "CCA yesterday was cool!" or "Talentime was amazing!") and raise queries, so let's keep it a happy place (: You guys get the drift. (:
Speaking on information, we'll like to give a gentle reminder. When you receive SMSes or emails informing you of something, please make sure you reply to them to acknowledge that you've received and read the information. (Simple reply like "Okay noted, thanks!") We have a SMS relay system in the company, which we activate in times of emergency or when there's important information to be passed down, so it's important that we can be assured everyone's gotten the message and nobody's left out! Take note, yes. (:
Yup, that's about it for now! We'll be updating yall on more things to come here, so do check back regularly! Xiaoen's in the midst of uploading the montage, and we'll be posting photos! So take care for now, approach us if you have any questions or if you feel like talking to us or anything (: We're all ears (:
Oh yes, and if any of you have ideas for a new blogskin (this one is temporary) or if you want to volunteer to create one, do let Xiaoen know! You can drop us an email at (: We'll be updating the links when we've got time! (: And if you have any ideas for CCA sessions, or if you'll like to initiate something in the company, we're more than willing to accept suggestions! We can all take initiative to bring positive changes in our company, regardless of whether you're Sec 1 or Sec 4, junior or senior. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides! (;
That's about it for now, adios!
With much love,
Your CLs and ACLs (:
Festival of Arts Fringe Activities
As the NYGH Festival of Arts is approaching, the school has some interesting activities lined up for all of us in the coming week! These activities are related to performing arts and it is hoped that we can gain more exposure to the performing arts, something different from what we usually do in our CCAs.
Everyone in the school, with the exception of the Performing Arts CCAs (because they are busy having rehearsals for their gala performance on 11 July) are strongly encouraged to and will participate in these activities, unless students have other commitments (e.g. 3rd Language, piano lesson/tuition lessons that cannot be changed to another day etc.). The activities that NYGG can sign up for are:
Forum Theatre
When? Tuesday, 7 July 2009, 4pm - 5.30pm
Where? LT2
This is open for all Sec 1 guides to attend. As the Sec 2 and 3 guides are required to be present for the FC (footdrill commander) selection test on the same day, they will attend CCA instead of the above activity. Sec 4s who are interested may also attend this activity.
Sec 1s, please email by tomorrow, Thursday, 2 July 2009, on whether you are able to make it for the above activity. Should you be unable to make it, please state the reason in your email. Sec 4s who are interested in attending the above activity may also email Roosterice gmail.
Sec 2 Drama Programme (Presentation of Duologues)
When? Wednesday, 8 July 2009, 12.05pm - 12.55pm (Lunch break)
Where? LT2
All Sec 2s are to attend this activity. Do eat during recess so that you will not attend the activity with an empty stomach. Sec 1s, 3s and 4s are not required to attend this activity.
Sec 2s, please email by tomorrow, Thursday, 2 July 2009, if you are unable to attend this activity (with a valid reason).
Sec 1 Story-Telling Competition (Finals)
When? Thursday, 9 July 2009, 12.05pm - 12.55pm (Lunch break)
Where? LT2
All Sec 1s are to attend this activity. Do eat during recess so that you will not attend the activity with an empty stomach. Sec 2s - 4s are not required to attend this activity.
Sec 1s, please email by tomorrow, Thursday, 2 July 2009, if you are unable to attend this activity (with a valid reason).
Traditional Craft-Making Workshop: Chinese Mian Ren
When? Thursday, 9 July 2009, 2.30pm - 4.30pm
Where? Art Room
NYGG has been allocated 10 slots for the above activity, and it is open to Sec 1s-4s who are interested to participate in it (:
All Guides who are interested in attending this activity are to email by tomorrow, Thursday, 2 July 2009, if you are interested in attending this activity. Participation will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Feel free to approach Sarah or Xiaoen should you have any queries regarding the above activities. Everyone is strongly encouraged and should attend these activities as it is a good exposure and a time for you to learn new things apart from what our CCA usually does :)