Tuesday 14/1/25 Schedule

HEY guides!!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 14 January, Tuesday. Do take note that CCA is for ALL GUIDES on Tuesday.




Action by

4.00pm - 4.15pm

Roll call + PT



4.15pm - 5.55pm 

WTD competitions

SPRs 3-4

ICs and Guides

5.55pm - 6.00pm

Taps and dismissal



6.00pm - 6.15pm

Debrief for upper sec


Sec 3s and sec 4s


Sec 2s: PE attire + school shorts

Sec 3s: LSP shirt + school shorts

Sec 4s: Guides shirt + school shorts

List of reminders:

1. Everyone should report by 4.00pm!! Rollcall will be conducted by patrols.

2. Please be punctual. If you really cannot make in on time because of a valid reason, notify your PLs beforehand :)) 

3. Please be in the right attire as stated above! Wrong attire will result in PT for your patrol! 

4. Do remember to sign up for the various competitions and bring the necessary logistics based on your needs! (Eg props, deco material etc)

💡GuidingLIGHT Assignments: (RECOMMENDED COMPLETION BY THE END OF THIS WEEK) – try your best guys!! 🥳

Sec 2s: Personal Module 1

Sec 3s: Personal Module 2

Sec 4s: Personal Module 3