Tuesday 30/7/24 Schedule

 Hey Guides! 🤗

Here is the schedule for CCA on 30 July, Tuesday. Do take note that CCA is for ALL GUIDES on Tuesday.




Action by

4.00pm - 4.25pm

Roll call + PT



4.25pm - 5.55pm 

 Gadgets 🪵🔨

Grass patch

ICs and Guides

5.55pm - 6.00pm

Taps and dismissal



6.00pm - 6.15pm

Debrief for upper sec


Sec 3s


Sec 1s: PE T-shirt + school shorts

Sec 2s: Red LSP shirt + school shorts

Sec 3s: Guides shirt + school shorts

List of reminders:

1. Everyone should report by 4.00pm!! Rollcall will be conducted by patrols.

2. Please be punctual. If you really cannot make in on time because of a valid reason, notify your PLs beforehand :)) 

3. Please be in the right attire as stated above! Wrong attire will result in PT for your patrol! 

4. Please remember to bring your gadgets plan :D Do note we will be welcoming a few Guides from other school as part of West Division Learning Week! Do take this opportunity to interact with other Guides and hopefully form new friendships!

5. Jiayou everyone! Let's do this ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

6. Here's your biweekly dose of fun 🥳What do fish do at football games? They wave!!! 👋 Happy start of 2024 Paris Olympics :D

💡GuidingLIGHT Assignments: (RECOMMENDED COMPLETION BY THE END OF THIS WEEK) – try your best guys!! 🥳

Sec 1s: International Module 2

Sec 2s: Home Module 3

Sec 3s: Community Module 1

Just keep swimming 💌🫧,  
