Tuesday 23/03/2021 Schedule
Hello Guides!
Take note that CCA is only for Sec 3s & 4s. NO CCA for Sec 1s & 2s.
Here is the schedule for CCA on 23rd March, Tuesday.
Time | Activity | Venue | Action by |
3.30pm- 3.40pm | Attendance Taking | Quadrangle | EXCO and Guiders |
3.40pm- 5.15pm | PLC | Lecture Theatre 1 | Sec 3s & 4s |
5.15pm- 5.30pm | Debrief and taps | Lecture Theatre 1 | Everyone |
Sec 3s: PE Shirt + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
Sec 4s: PE Shirt + NY shorts/Dark blue or black FBTs
List of reminders:
1. Please be punctual! Report by 3.30pm.
2. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!