Tuesday 19/1/2021 Schedule

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 19th January, Tuesday.

 Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking + Briefing

Exco & FCs
4.00pm- 6.00pm Footdrills QuadrangleEveryone 
Debrief + taps QuadrangleExco, ICs & Guider on duty

Sec 2-4s: PE shirt + Guides skirt + Belt & Whistle + Hat + WHITE Socks + Boots (school shoes for Sec 2s) + Bun & net/hairnet + Specs hooks (if necessary)
Sec 4s (TAKING BPA): PE shirt + School skirt + Hat + WHITE Socks + Boots + Bun & net/hairnet + Specs hooks (if necessary)
*Hair should be in LOW buns; if you have short hair, you are expected to come with your hairnet
*Socks should NOT have NYGH logo
*No accessories (eg watches, earrings etc.) should be worn

List of reminders:

1. *Everyone should report at exactly 3.45pm!!

2. Please be punctual. If you really cannot make in on time because of a valid reason, notify the PLs beforehand and PLs do take note of your patrol’s attendance :)) 

3. *Remember to revise footdrill commands before the CCA session!!

4. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!! Any attire mistake will result in PT as a batch.

5. Stick to your own batch and remember to keep a distance from other batches. 
