Programme Schedule for Precamp Training on Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Programme Schedule for Precamp Training on 25 November 2015, Wednesday

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for precamp training on the 25th of November 2015, Wednesday.

Action by
0900 – 0930
Attendance Taking and Briefing
Canteen Area

CCs and ACCs

Overall I/Cs
0930 – 1145
Outdoor Cooking
Grass patch beside basketball court,  canteen
1145 – 1200
Debrief and Taps
Canteen Area
CCs and ACCs

Sec 1s – Sec 3s: PE Shirt + NY shorts/ dark blue or black FBTs

1   1)    Guides are reminded to revise outdoor cooking procedures and familiarize themselves with their patrol’s recipes
2   2)    Guides are reminded to bring the twigs and punk they have picked
3   3)    Guides who have not submitted their ATC consent forms are to submit them to their ATC PLs

CCs and ACCs