Updated: NYGH Cross Country Run: Roles of Helpers

Hello Guides!

Below are the job scope for the various helpers. Please take note of your duty and report to Marina Barrage on 3rd September, Wednesday, by 2.30p.m. The attire is NYGH PE T-shirt, Belt, Whistle, Guides Skirt, Hat (optional), White Socks and White Shoes.


·         To ready attendance sheets and number tags
·         To mark attendance of competitive runners
·         To line competitors in proper order before start of race (Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4). Dispatch in two waves.
·         To give out following instructions before sending runners to start line:
a.     Pupils who are not feeling well should not participate in the race.
b.     Pupils should walk or rest whenever they are tired.
c.     Pupils who are unwell during the race should report to the Route Marshals stationed along the route.
d.     Keep to the left of the bridge (two way traffic)
·         To be the link between Starter and Assembly Area (cue   levels to proceed to start line)
·         Hold Fun runners on left of bridge till Starter is ready to receive them

2.           POSITION JUDGES
·         To give out position cards to 4 levels of competitive runners.
·         To record number tags of top 50 runners of each level.
·         To channel all runners to proper funnels.
·         To ensure top 50 competitive runners from each level receives a position card when they finish and proceed directly to the scorers’ table (@ finishing line)

·         To give out position cards to 4 levels of fun runners.
·         To ensure top 80 fun runners from each level receives a position card and channel them to the scorers to record their position. (@ assembly area)

3.           SCORERS (Competitive)
·         To set up tables and chairs @ Finishing Line.

             To get ready lap top (x4) to work on excel spreadsheet with correct formula for scoring.
·         To collect class entry forms, recorders sheet from PE Dept.
·         To collect finishing position form from Position Judges and timekeepers list from Timekeepers.
·         To collate time, name and class of top 20 runners of each level.
·         Computation of points for team awards for Competitive Runners is based on top 4 runners of each class, i.e. the finishing positions of top 4 runners of each class in their respective level will be added up.  Eg. 1st position = 1 points, 2nd position = 2 points etc. The class with the lowest score in their level will win the ‘Champion Class’ award.
·         To submit Individual Top 20 Form and their times and Champion Class Form for Competitive Run (all 6 runners of the class) of the 4 levels to the Announcer.
·         To distribute the towels to the Top 50.

SCORERS (Fun Runners)
·         To set up tables and chairs @ Assembly Area.
·         To get ready lap top (x4) to work on excel spreadsheet with correct formula for scoring.
·         To record position cards of top 80 runners of each level (for fun runners), in the class lists of each level.
·            To manage helpers for scorers to collate the most points for the best class results for the fun run category for each level.
·            Computation of points for team awards for Fun Runners is based on all the runners who manage to get a position within the first 80 runners, Eg. 1st position = 80 points, 2nd position = 79 points etc. The class with the highest score in their level will win the ‘Champion Class’ award.
·            To submit the Champion Class for Fun Run Form of the 4 levels to the Announcer.

·         To collect trays from the PE Department at the venue.
·         To set up the drink stations at the assembly area and at the mid-point mark (isotonic drinks and mineral water will be transported to the venue)
·         To receive MILO truck.
·         To assist in collecting number tags from Competitive runners in exchange for an isotonic drink and a towel.
·         To serve drinks to the staff and UG on duty.

Thank you!
CLs and ACLs '14