GGS Carnival on Saturday, 31st May 2014 @ Nan Hua High School

Hello guides!

As you all know, GGS Carnival 2014 will be held on 31st May, Saturday @ Nan Hua High School. NYGG will be having a games booth there, so it is compulsory for you to be present at the carnival to help out at the booth! Coupons will be sold on the day itself at the carnival too, so not to worry if you will like to get coupons then. Cash is accepted as well.

Guides are expected to be present at the carnival during their allocated shifts, and it is up to you if you will like to stay on longer to enjoy the carnival before/after your shifts! :)

Reporting/Dismissal Time and Shift Allocations:
Sec 4s of Patrol 1-4: report at 0830 for setting up and will be dismissed along with your patrol

Patrols 1-4: 0930-1200
Patrols 5-8: 1130-1400
Patrols 9-12: 1330-1630

*1630 is the latest dismissal time for Patrols 9-12 inclusive of clean-up.

Sec 3s & 4s: company tee + Guides skirt with belt, whistle, white socks and shoes. 
Sec 1s & 2s: NY PE T-shirt + NY skirt with shorts

Things to note:
-Guides are to inform their PLs of their attendance on Friday, 30th May during CCA.
-Only those with valid reasons (VRs) will be excused from helping out at the carnival.
-At 1115, all guides present will be expected to be at the hall for the opening ceremony from 1130-1210, unless you are allocated to man the booth.
-Guides who are unable to make it during their assigned shifts DO NOT have to come for the carnival, but if they want to, they can come for another shift to help out. 

Thank you and we hope that everyone will have fun during the carnival and help make our booth a success! ^^ see you there!

GGS Carnival I/Cs