Testworks for LTC

*Wide Game will be held at City Hall area (for e-call list)*
*First-Aid kit passing mark is 18/24*  

Dear Guides:

Sec1s and 2s who have yet to clear/wish to clear their E-call list and First-Aid kit testworks can do so for LTC. The E-call list and First-Aid kit can be used during LTC.

Sec1s and 2s who are taking these testworks: Please print out a copy of the rubrics and fill in the necessary details and submit the rubrics together with your E-call list/First-Aid kit to your camp PL on the first day of camp.

Camp PLs please compile the E-call List(s) and First-Aid kit(s) within your patrol and pass them to either Belle or Hannah on the first day of camp, after the general briefing (7th June 2012).

Rubrics of the testworks are below:

E-Call List rubrics (click to enlarge) 
Description of Testwork: 

The best time to prepare for an emergency is before it happens. This is because during an emergency, it is easy to become disoriented and upset, thus it is important to have all important phone numbers readily ahead of time. For this testwork, you are required to make a list of phone numbers including those of your family members, nearby amenities from home and the place of wide game, patrol members, guiders, school’s general office and the general emergency numbers. Remember to specify the names of the necessary details. No marks will be awarded if the names are not specified. (Eg: Raffles Medical Clinic instead of Clinic and Tay Boon Kee instead of Father.) The size of the e-call must be small enough to be able to fit into a wallet, and it must be waterproof. Additionally, it must be well-organised for quick reference. 

First-Aid Kit rubrics (click to enlarge) 
Description of Testwork: 

First aid kits are important because they allow someone who is injured to be rapidly treated with basic first aid, so as to reduce the chances of infection. For this testwork, you are required to assemble a first aid kit, in case of any minor injuries during the wide game. The necessary contents are listed above, such as triangular bandage, safety pins, crepe bandage, tweezers and scissors. Do note that the box used as the first aid kit must be waterproof and handy (not too big so that it can be easily carried around). Additionally, the box should be compartmentalized and well-organized so that it is easy to find the items needed. 

Thank you and all the best!
