World Thinking Day 2012

Hi all, Ms Teng here. The sec 3s and 4s will go for this event:

GGS Celebrates World Thinking Day 2012

World Thinking Day is of great significance to all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts internationally as we celebrate and give thanks on the birthdays of our Founders, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, who had inspired and transformed the lives of so many millions of young people worldwide.  Let us come together to renew the Promise we made during our enrolment and make this a meaningful and memorable event that will remain long in our memories.

The World Thinking Day Message by our President, Mrs Joy Balakrishnan, will be read in school on Wednesday,  22 February 2012.  Guiders, Guides and Brownies are expected to be in  uniform during school hours on that day.  Our national celebration will be held on Saturday, 18 February 2012. The details are as follows:

Date:                            Saturday, 18 February 2012
Time:                            0930 hours  - 1430 hours
Venue:                          *SCAPE ( 2 Orchard Link Singapore 237978)
Guest of Honour:           Mrs Mary Tan, Patron of Girl Guides Singapore
Attire:                           Full Uniform for Members

As there is very limited space at *Scape, we will only allow each Pack/Company to bring  a maximum of 20 Brownies or Guides to the event. 

We would like to encourage all members to take the public transport to the venue as there is no proper drop off points for buses.

The WTD theme for 2012 is "We Can Save Our Planet" is linked to WAGGGS' Global Action Theme on Girls Worldwide Say "Together We Can Change Our World". The theme encourages girls and young women to make a personal commitment to change the world around them and affirms WAGGGS' commitment to the UN Millennium Development

We hope that you will continue with this focus and organise activities around this theme throughout 2012. You can find lots of information and interesting activities and ideas in the WAGGGS World Thinking Day website:

We would like to encourage you and your units to continue the tradition of WTD and reflect on the true meaning of the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Movement; think about the sisterhood and the very special bond that exist among all members of WAGGGS in 145 countries around the world. Putting these thoughts into actions, we should try to contribute to the WTD Fund, which is used by WAGGGS to develop the Movement in places where it does not currently exist.  Each member of GGS is encouraged to donate at least one Singapore Dollar during your unit meetings. Please send the money to Guide House after the event.

Finally, we would also to remind all members in keeping with B-P's teaching that Guides and Scouts always leave a place better than they found it, please remember to lend a hand after the event by cleaning the area around you.