A11titude'11 packing list and reporting time
Dear Guides,
Here are some updates on A11titude'11:

Here are some updates on A11titude'11:

- The packing list for A11titude'11 can also be found in the A11titude gmail.
- Reporting time on Wed, 7th Dec: 8.00am.
*Those who need to refrigerate their OCC food, pls come earlier. - Attire: PE shirt, NY shorts or Dark blue/black straight cut FBTs and school skirt and patrol identity
- We will be having roll call and attendance taking.
- Also remember to bring your $6 camp fee if you haven't already done so, patrol logbooks and camp consent forms
- Subcamp ICs please submit the campfire sound track to Sandra on the first day of camp
Any qns pls feel free to ask us and we'll see you for A11titude'11! :D
CCs and ACCs