Thinking Day Competition Information
Thinking Day Competition Information

*I/Cs for each group are in bold and are underlined. Click on picture to enlarge
- Name of the Coy and School must be clearly indicated on the banner itself as well as on the top left hand corner of the back of the banner.
- Banners should depict the WTD theme, "Gender equality and Empowering women".
- Each banner should come only in one standard size of 3.5m x 1m (vertical display), banners in other dimensions will be disqualified.
- All banners must have a margin of 10 cm from the edges.
- All banners MUST BE COMPLETELY DRY before the are submitted
- Send e-mail to with the following: Title of Banner, Brief description of Banner, Coloured Photograph of Banner by Tuesday, 18 January
- Banners must be COMPLETELY DRY and should be placed outside Guide Room latest by Thursday, 20 January, during RECESS.
- Each Coy to take a photo which captures the spirit of World Thinking Day and the WTD theme, "Gender Equality and Empowering Women".
- To submit ONE hardcopy of the photograph(in colour) and ONE softcopy(in JPEG format) to by Wednesday, 19 January, 7PM.
- Hardcopy to be passed to Melissa at Classroom 402 by the recess of 19 January.
- Each Coy to record the coy singing the World Thinking Song and submit a video in the MP4 Format to by Tuesday, 18 January, 7PM.
*NOTE: Some deadlines have been changed as per requested. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.
Please keep the receipt for any purchase made and pass to the treasurers( Kahmin, Yeekhoon) for refund. Name and Class to be written at the back of the receipt.
P.S. Patrols are reminded to send in their contact lists to XMAN by tonight:)