Results of FC selection (:
Dear Guides,
It is our pleasure to announce to all of you that as a result of last week's footdrill session, Nanyang Guides has five extremely capable footdrill commanders who will be leading the company in terms of footdrill up till the next FC selection in 2011 (:
These five Sec3s are: Lim Jia Yu (Chief), Amelia Woo, Daphne Lo, Lin Qian Yu and Nyssa Low (:
We have absolute confidence in the new FCs and we know that they can do it and bring the standard of Nanyang Guides' footdrill to greater heights (: Their next challenge will be the upcoming Founder's Day Parade, and we hope that all of you will support them and put your 110% in for them like you have done for us (:
To the Sec 1s and 2s, learn from your new FCs willingly and with respect. One day, you might become an FC too, and only then will you understand how it is like to be in charge of a squad of over 20 people. It's not easy, try to empathize with them and help them out in any way possible (:
To the Sec 3s, continue supporting each other, especially your new commanders. They may find it awkward at first, and your support will mean the world to them. For those who didn't make it past the selection, it's normal to feel disappointed, but don't be for too long. You all have shown tremendous improvement in your footdrill since Sec 2. Keep your passion for footdrill alive (:
To the new footdrill commanders, this marks a beginning of another chapter in your guiding walk. Be firm, not overbearing; patient, but not soft-hearted; determined, but not afraid to make mistakes. You will learn and improve a lot in the course of the upcoming year; don't be afraid to take on new challenges and try new things. We trust that you will be able to raise the standard of footdrill in the company (:
To end off, the five FCs of 2010, (namely, Sihui, Pingzheng, Meishan, Aurelia and Michelle if you are still unsure), would like to thank all of you for the awesome time we've had in our short time as FCs. We appreciate all your time, effort and perspiration that all of you have put in for this company, especially for this year's Thinking Day Parade. It has been an unforgettable experience for us and one that we will treasure dearly.
It is only with each and everyone of you putting in your best, that NYGG can improve as a company. (: We trust that all of you will continue to strive to bring NYGG to greater heights (:
FCs of 2010 (: