Testworks Homework (:
As mentioned last cca session, there will be testwork assigned for each level!
The details are as followed:

Details of testworks:
1. Conservation (Annex A):
Make a poster that promotes the value of conservation.
2. Recycling (Annex B):
Make something out of 3 or more recycled materials.
3.Cooking, Washing, House Keeping (Annex C):
Help with the preparation and cooking of one meal at home.
Hand-wash one pail of clothes and iron the school uniform for a week.
Vacuum/mop the floor and help to fold and keep clothes at least once at home.
The annexes, details and marking rubrics of each testwork will be emailed to the PLs, who will then email them to their patrol members.
Please refer to the annexes for the passing criteria for each testwork.
- Guides that have passed the testworks meant for their batch, or have extra time during the holidays, can take the testworks meant for their seniors.
- Guides that have failed the testworks meant for their juniors should take the testworks meant for their juniors as well.
- Guides will have to submit their testworks to the respective testwork ICS by 28 June. Sheranne and Abigail are from 412, while Jin Hui is from 402.
- When submitting, guides are reminded to label their homework products with their name, class and patrol for easier reference. A copy of the marking rubrics is to be printed too per guide by themselves.
- A signed test slip will be issued to guides when they pass the testwork. However, for those who failed, they will retake it during the next testwork session.
Please remember to print out a copy of the marking rubrics and take note of the date for submission. Thankyou!
-testwork ICs