June Holidays CCA Schedule
This is the schedule for the June holidays. If you are involved you would already have been informed actually, so this is just a summary.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat | Sun |
31 May | 1 June 9am to 5pm External training for sec 4 PGA 1st aid course for sec 2s | 2 Leadership Training Course for sec 3s 1st aid course for sec 2s | 3 Pioneer Training for sec 3s 1st aid course for sec 2s | 4 PGA Camp for some sec 4s | 5 PGA Camp for some sec 4s | 6 PGA Camp for some sec 4s |
7 PGA Camp for some sec 4s | 8 | 9 Pioneer Training for sec 3s | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
14 | 15 | 16 Pioneer Training for sec 3s | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 Homemaker’s badge for sec 3s [to be confirmed depending on tester’s availability] | 23 PLC workshop | 24 | 25 6.30pm - 8.30pm Alumni gathering NYGG seniors organising, pls email nanyang. if you are interested to attend | 26 | 27 |
Ms Teng
Dear Guides,
The HCI NPCC has invited our unit to join the 6th Uniformed Groups Bowling Championships 2010! For the event to run smoothly, more girls teams are required, thus the organisers have again extended their warm invitation to us. We strongly encourage you to participate in the event, be it within your patrol or with your batchmates! This is a good opportunity to show off your bowling skills and just have a fun time with one another. J The details of the event are as follows.
- Preliminary Round: 11 June 2010 (Friday)
- Finals: 25 June 2010 (Friday)
- Venue: Orchid Country Club Bowling Alley
- Entry Fee: S$25.00 per team of 3 bowlers and 1 reserve (compulsory)
Other details:
- Each team comprises 3 bowlers and 1 reserve (compulsory).
- Each bowler is to produce his/her Student Pass during registration for verification purposes.
- Each bowler shall play 2 games in open mode.
- The Top 10 Boys' Teams and the Top 10 Girls' Teams in the Preliminary Round will enter the Finals of the Team Championships.
- The Top 10 Boys' Individual Champions and the Top 10 Girls' Individual Champions will be determined by the aggregate of the points scored by each bowler in both games in the Preliminary Round.
Don't miss the chance to join in the championships! If you are interested, form a team ASAP and sms Aurelia your names. J
Testworks Homework (:
As mentioned last cca session, there will be testwork assigned for each level!
The details are as followed:

Details of testworks:
1. Conservation (Annex A):
Make a poster that promotes the value of conservation.
2. Recycling (Annex B):
Make something out of 3 or more recycled materials.
3.Cooking, Washing, House Keeping (Annex C):
Help with the preparation and cooking of one meal at home.
Hand-wash one pail of clothes and iron the school uniform for a week.
Vacuum/mop the floor and help to fold and keep clothes at least once at home.
The annexes, details and marking rubrics of each testwork will be emailed to the PLs, who will then email them to their patrol members.
Please refer to the annexes for the passing criteria for each testwork.
- Guides that have passed the testworks meant for their batch, or have extra time during the holidays, can take the testworks meant for their seniors.
- Guides that have failed the testworks meant for their juniors should take the testworks meant for their juniors as well.
- Guides will have to submit their testworks to the respective testwork ICS by 28 June. Sheranne and Abigail are from 412, while Jin Hui is from 402.
- When submitting, guides are reminded to label their homework products with their name, class and patrol for easier reference. A copy of the marking rubrics is to be printed too per guide by themselves.
- A signed test slip will be issued to guides when they pass the testwork. However, for those who failed, they will retake it during the next testwork session.
Please remember to print out a copy of the marking rubrics and take note of the date for submission. Thankyou!
-testwork ICs
West Division Day
Dear Guides,
Shown below is the information on West Division Day 2010, which will be held on 24 July 2010. Shown below is the information for each game. This year, you may choose which game you would like to participate in. Please read through the games and follow the instructions below. J
- Include your name, belonging to which category ( e.g. Sec Three), Patrol, Game Interested In
- Ignore the Coy 1 Coy 2 restrictions, every guide can be in a particular game if they are allocated to that game.
- There are exactly 60 places which means every guide from Sec 1 to Sec 3 will be participating in one game only.
- WDD ICs will allocate the people who have indicated their preference first, so if the quota for that particular game is filled then you will be allocated to another game.
- Take note that we are required to bring our own logistics for certain games (so read the info sheet carefully!)
- Send the necessary details to Melissa's email :
- Clementi Town Secondary School
- Packed lunch is at $2.50 per person
What are we having?
- We will be holding several sports competitions on that day.
- There will be a maximum of 6 teams for each sports competition to compete against one another. Two categories: Guides teams and Brownies teams. Guides teams will compete with the Guides teams, and Brownies teams against the Brownies teams. At the end of the day, trophies will be awarded to the top three winning teams for each category for each sports competition.
- For some competitions, teams will have to bring their own materials or sports equipment. Clementi Town Sec School and the organising unit for the sports competition will only try to provide bigger and bulky equipment. Thus, please read the details carefully.
- Pupils attending this event are to bring only necessary items as they will be responsible for their own belongings.
Annex A: Archery (Greenridge Secondary School) – 3 Players/Team
Guider I/C: Ms Durga
Contact: 98517596
Venue: Classroom Level 1
Logistics to be provided by Greenridge Secondary
- 2 Bow Sets & 8 Arrows, Balloons, Wooden Board, Score sheet, Twine, Gadget poles
Set up:
- Wooden board (picture is just for illustrations)
- Each balloon colour represent a number
- 2 Gadget poles knocked in 10 metres away from the board at the 2 ends.
- Twine tied across from the board to the gadget poles at both sides to prevent entry during the shoot.height of twine tied at around ½ metres from ground.
- Shooting Line: Twine tied between the two gadget poles. Height of twine tied at around few centimetres from the ground.
- Two teams will shoot at a time. One team will be known as team A while the other team will be known as team B.
- Teams will start to shoot in the 1st detail
- 1st Archer from both team will start the shoot.
- Next, 2nd Archers from both teams will proceed to shoot.
- Lastly, 3rd Archers from both teams will shoot their final arrows.
- Their scores will be recorded and they will proced to 2nd Detail.
- After completion of 2nd detail, they will total up the scores from both details.
Safety Rules:
- NO one should be allowed beyond the boundaries set during shooting.
- NO pointing of arrows except in the direction of the target.
- NO dry firing of bows.
- NO talking when on the shooting line
- All movement should be only possible when the area is declared to be clear.
- When retriving arrows, no one should be standing in front of the arrow or behind the archer.
Annex B: Badminton (Zhenghua Pimary School) - 4 Players / Team
Guider I/C: Lim Lay Chin
Contact: 97962366
Email Address:
Venue: Indoor Sports Hall (Pri)
Rules & Regulations
- Each school must send a team of four players – Two groups of Doubles.
- Players must be in Sports attire.
- Players must bring their own rackets, only nets and shuttlecocks will be provided.
- Each group will draw lots to pick their opponents.
- Each game will last for 10 minutes, during which both teams must score as many points as possible.
- Team to serve first will be decided by the referee (The referee will throw the shuttlecock into the air. The team which the head of the shuttlecock faces will serve first)
- Only players in service can score.
- The first, second and third positions will go to the school with the highest score.
Annex C: Bowling (Juying Primary School) – 5 Players / Team
Guider I/C: Ms Faith Ng
Contact No.: 98788278
Email Address:
Venue: Classroom
Rules & Regulations
- Each school to send a team of 5 girls.
- Each school is allowed to send 1 team only.
- Each girl will have 2 tries.
- Each girl to use a basketball to roll across the lane to knock down as many pins as she can (total of 10 pins [water bottles filled with water]).
- Each pin is awarded 1 point. The top 3 schools will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze respectively.
- If there is a draw (affecting the top 3 prizes) the schools involved will compete again.
Annex E: Clash of TBGs (Henry Park Primary) – 4 Players / Team
Guider I/C: Ms Nadia
Contact: 90117048
- To complete the stations as fast as possible
- A completion of obstacles will add points to the total score
-Guides will be against guides and brownies will be against brownies' timings
Station 1: DRY-est the Better
1.5m 3m
1. 4 participants will be skipping sidewards with a cup in a hand.
2. Scoop as much water with the cup and walk along a curvy-human pathway
3. Pour the amount of water into the next container
4. Run through the human pathway, put the cup in the 1st container and tap the next participant's hand.
5. After all 4 participants have completed the station, the timekeeper will stop the ticking stopwatch.
6. The water collector will pour the amount of water from the container into a measuring container to measure the amount of water collected.
7. The first three highest amount of water collected will be given points accordingly and the time will be added to the total time taken to complete the 5 sets of obstacles.
Station 2 : SEE-me through
1. A representative, Participant A, will be placed in an area where colour coded items are laid.
2. The other three participants know which colour coded items to collect and will direct the blindfolded Participant A to the collect the items.
3. They are racing against time and the no. of correct items will be added to their score.
4. The three participants who are directing can only direct by using <name_front>, < _left> , <_right>, < _back> , < _turnaround> , < _pick up> ONLY .
Station 3: Target Hitting
Materials: A big card board measure 100 x 50 cm with 5 holes of various sizes. 3 tennis balls
Rules of the game
- 4 players will get 3 tennis balls.
- Each player will have 3 chances to throw the tennis ball into the hole at a distance.
- Points will be awarded accordingly to the hole which the ball has successfully being thrown into .
- A maximum of 20 points can be awarded to each team.
Station 4: Jumping Jack
Materials: 5 skipping ropes.
Rules of the game:
- Each member will be given a skipping rope to skip.
- Points will be awarded based on the rubrics.
Points | 5 points | 10 points | 15 points. | 20 points |
Rubrics | All the 4 members could at least skip more than 10 times. | All the members could at least skip more than 10 times with 1member skipping 1 different variation. | All the members could at least skip more than 10 times with 2 members skipping 1 different variation. | All the members could at least skip more than 10 times with 3 to 4 members skipping as a team with 3 or more different variation. |
Station 5: Hurdles
All 4 participants will start together at the same time.
- Run about 50m
- 1st hurdle – wriggle through 5 chairs
- Continue running for another 50m
- 2nd hurdle – 'tyre station' – hopping into 8 tyres
- Continue running for another 50m to the finishing line.
Each participant timing will be recorded. Marks will be awarded according to the table below. Marks for all participants will be added up and that will be the marks for the team.
Time (mins) | Marks |
>10 | 0 |
10 | 1 |
9 | 2 |
8 | 3 |
7 | 4 |
6 | 5 |
5 | 6 |
4 | 7 |
3 | 8 |
2 | 9 |
1 | 10 |
Annex F: The Ultimate Olympic Challenge : Clash of the Titans
(Methodist Girls School 1st Coy) – 10 Players / Team
Guider I/C: Ms Marilyn Lau
Contact: 90063229
Procedure of Game:
- The two teams will line up in two different rows facing opposite directions.
- The referee will indicate with the number of fingers she holds up, the number of girls she wants to play in that round of the game.
- The number of girls indicated must run towards the wall they are facing, touch it (possibly pick up any equipment that would be required for particular games such as sticks for handball) and then run back towards the referee.
- During this time, the referee of the game who is standing in the middle of the play area will hold up a ball/ instrument of play. She could hold up a soccer ball, basketball, floor ball, captain's ball or netball depending on the sport that is supposed to be played, then drops it onto the ground.
- The players run toward the particular ball and that round of the game begins.
- That particular round is over after one of the teams scores a goal or the teams have played for 4 minutes. (Depending on which comes first)
- The girls who have just played will stand at the back of the row/line.
- One point is awarded to the team who scored the goal. If it was a draw, no points are awarded at all.
- The next round begins. (Repeat steps 2 to 8)
- The whole game is over after the girls have been playing for half an hour. This game will continue repeating till the time hits 30mins. Points are awarded to the schools based on the number of goals they scored during the whole game.
Annex G: Floor Ball (Fuhua Primary) – 4 Players / Team
Teacher I/C: Nurul Asyikin Norman
Contact No.: 91058974
Email Address:
Venue: Classroom / Hall (if can get barrier)
Playing the game
- The aim of the game is to score as many goals as possible.
- To decide which team will start first, the referee will toss a coin.
- There are 2 halves, each half lasting for 3 minutes. There will be no switching of sides.
- Each player will try to score towards their own goals while the keeper will try to block the goals from the opposing team.
- The first, second and third positions will go to the school with the highest number of goals.
Annex I: Frisbee / Telematch (Wet Weather Plan)
(Commonwealth Secondary) – 5 Players / Team
Guider I/C: Mrs Loh Mun Fei
Contact: 98229402
Email address:
Venue: Field
Rules & Regulations
- Scoring -- Each time the offense completes a pass in the defense's endzone, the offense scores a point. Play is initiated after each score.
- Movement of the Disc -- The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc. The person with the disc ("thrower") has ten seconds to throw the disc. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count.
- Change of possession -- When a pass in not completed (e.g. out of bounds, drop, block, interception), the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense.
- Substitutions -- Players not in the game may replace players in the game after a score and during an injury timeout.
- Non-contact -- No physical contact is allowed between players. Picks and screens are also prohibited. A foul occurs when contact is made.
- Fouls -- When a player initiates contact on another player a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession was retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone.
- Self-Refereeing -- Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls. Players resolve their own disputes.
- Spirit of the Game -- Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play.
Wet Weather Plan – Telematch
Game Plan:
- PingPong Game :
- A ping pong ball would be placed on the spoon and players have to hold the spoon strictly with their mouth only.
- each team would be divided into 2, one on each side of the classroom.
- each player will have to carry the spoon + ping pong ball from one side of the classroom to the other and put it in the container provided.
- they can only proceed to balloon game after every player have successfully place the all ping pong balls into the container.
- if the ping pong ball drop halfway, player will have to restart from starting line.
2. Plumpest Girl:
- each team is to send a representive to wear a garbage bag that is cut into a size of a oversized t-shirt.
- That girl will be standing at the far end of the classroom and players from various teams are to stand at the other end of the classroom
- Other group members are to blow as many balloons as possible within a allocated time and run over to the girl and stuff those balloons into the garbage bag.
- The team which has the most number of balloons in the garbage bag and the plumpest girl wins
3. The BOOMBOOM game:
- Team will be divided into pairs.
- Each pair is to tie a balloon onto the ankle between both legs.
- Objective of the game is to burst opposite's teams balloons without getting their own balloons burst
- Winner will proceed to next round
- Game takes approximately 5 mins
3. HulaHula!
- Each team is to stand in a line in front of a hula hoop.
- Each team's objective is to crawl into the hoop without touching it and their hands must not let go of each other.
- Once a player has touched the hoop, the team has to start all over again
- The game has finished once when all players make it to the other side of the hoop
- The fastest team wins
4. Cheerleading Competition
- Teams are to come up with a short cheer that displays the Olympics values.
- Cheer is approximately 2 to 4 mins
- Teams are to present cheers in front of everyone at the end of discussion
*Winner will be determined by the team who scored the most number of points in these various competitions
* This backup plan is used in the event if wet weather.
Annex J: Futsal / Indoor Soccer (Chua Chu Kang Secondary) – 5 Players / Team
Guider I/C : Ms Tham Ee-Lin
Contact : 98575010
Email :
Futsal is a variant of football that is played on a smaller playing surface and mainly played indoors. Its name is derived from the Portuguese futebol de salão and the Spanish fútbol de salón (and colloquially fútbol sala), which can be translated as "hall football." During the sport's second world championships held in Madrid in 1985, the name fútbol de salón was used. Since then, all other names have been officially and internationally changed to futsal. Futsal is played between two teams of five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Unlimited substitutes per team are permitted. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the game is played on a hard court surface delimited by lines; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a regulation football. The rules create an emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces.
Coin toss followed by kickoff; opposing team waits outside center circle; ball deemed in play once it has been touched; the kicker shall not touch ball before someone else touches it; ensuing kick-offs taken after goals scored and at start of second half.
Direct free kick awarded when a player intentionally commits any of the following 11 offenses (penalty kick awarded when infringement takes place in penalty area)
- · kicking or attempting to kick an opponent
- · tripping an opponent
- · jumping at an opponent
- · charging an opponent in a violent or dangerous manner
- · charging an opponent from behind
- · striking, attempting to strike, or spitting at an opponent
- · holding an opponent
- · pushing an opponent
- · charging an opponent with shoulder (i.e., shoulder charge)
- · sliding at an opponent (i.e., sliding tackle)
- · handling the ball (except goalkeeper)
Customised rule: The yellow cards and red cards will be omitted from the game. Instead of the cards, a direct free kick will be given to the opponent of the team that commits any of the above offenses.
Annex K : Games Station (River Valley High) – 4 Players / Team
Duration of the whole game: about 1.5 h per session
Venue: Special Room Level 3
The whole game will be divided into 3 stations. All school that participated in the game will have to complete all 3 stations.
These 3 stations are:
- human chain
- magic chair
- limbo dance
All guides involved in the games should be in proper PE attire.
"Human chain" Station
Explanation: in this station, all 4 guides will arrange themselves from 1 to 4 and stand according to their number. They first person (number 1) will have to stand near the edge of the mat which marks the starting point. In this game, the guides are required to do a split and be connected with one another by touching the toe (or the tip of their shoes) of their teammates. The second guide (number 2) can only start "splitting" after number 1 says "okay", and same applies to number 3 and 4. We will give them some time to adjust after number 4 has finished "splitting" as they try to reach the maximum length. The label will be put at the tip of the number 4's feet after every member say "okay". Only after then, they can relax.
"Magic chair" station
Explanation: in this station, the 4 guides have to sit on the chairs. Then their head will have to lie on one another's lap. There will be towels to put underneath of their heads. The players have to support one another by their legs and they have to hold on to the lap of the person whom they are lying on. Then they will be given time to get themselves mentally ready. At most 1 min will be given for the team to be prepared for the game. After that they will be asked to lift up their "butt", and the chairs will be removed while at the same time they will be timed until the first person's "butt" touches the mat. A total of 2 trials will be allowed for each team. There will be time for them to rest for a while before they play this game again; it is also a time for them to discuss how they shall play in other to last longer.
"Libo dance" station
Explanation: All the 4 guides will have to arrange themselves and start to challenge how low they are able to go. The height will start from 130cm then reduced 10cm after each successful attempt till 100cm is reached. From 100cm onwards, only 5cm will be reduced after each successful attempt. At the same time some music will be played to let the players to have some rhythm when trying to get through the "marking". The number of members who can pass in certain height will be recorded until they all failed to get through any further. We will also allow 2 chances for the height below 80cm.
Score calculation:
For "human chain"
The better result (out of the 2 trials)
E.g. 476cm
Then the score will be 476 points.
For "magic chair"
The better result (out of the 2 trials)
E.g. 1min 43sec
Then it will be 103sec,
We will multiple by the number of member (which is 4)
Then the score will be 412 points.
For "limbo dance"
Follow the table below.
Minimum height achieved | Points given |
130 | 10 |
120 | 20 |
110 | 30 |
100 | 40 |
95 | 50 |
90 | 60 |
85 | 70 |
80 | 80 |
75 | 90 |
70 | 100 |
65 | 110 |
60 | 120 |
55 | 130 |
50 | 140 |
We will then take the points of all 4 members and add them together.
E.g. 50 + 80 + 40 +100=270
The point scored will be 270.
Deciding the winner:
The scores will be summed up for all three stations. The schools from both sessions that have the highest score will be the winners. Only top three winners will be given a prize
Annex L: Golf With A Twist (Keming Primary) – 3 Players / Team
Guider I/C : Lim Sze Ling Serene
Contact No. : 91294789
Email Address :
Venue: Hall
No. of players per school: 3
This is a game that is a combination of golf and floorball.
Rules & Regulations
- There will be 2 coloured balls and each of them will get a floorball stick.(floor ball stick will be provided)
- There will be baskets around the playing court which will open and close (the baskets will be manually controlled).
- Each group will draw lots to pick their opponents.
- Each game will last for 10 minutes, during which both teams must score as many points as possible.
- The objective is to hit the ball into the baskets.
- The first, second and third positions will go to the school with the highest score.
Annex N: Skipping Rope Relay (Shuqun Sec) – 4 Players / Team
Guider I/C : Ms Lek Meixuan
Contact No. : 98732151
Email Address :
Venue : Netball Court
Rules & Regulations
- Players must be in Sports attire.
- Players must bring 1 skipping rope( standard size – borrow from their own school) and 1 stopwatch from each school.
- Player 1 will hold the skipping rope and skip together with player 2. The referee will start to count the number of times they take to skip for 10 minutes.
- Player 2 will take over the skipping rope and skip together with player 3 for the next 10 minutes. The referee will start to count the number of times they take to skip for 10 minutes.
- Player 3 will now take over the skipping rope and skip together with player 4 for the next 10 minutes. The referee will start to count the number of times they take to skip for 10 minutes.
- All the number of times to skip will be added up as the final score.
- The first, second and third positions will go to the school with the highest score.
Annex P: The Ultimate Olympic Challenge : (Methodist Girls') (3 stations) – 8 Players / Team
Guider I/C : Ms Marilyn Lau
Contact : 90063229
Email :
Station 1) Twister
Number of People Needed for this game: A team of 8 girls from different schools
Procedure of Game:
- Each of the 4 schools present will send 2 representatives to play twister.
- Players will take turns to spin a "spinner" (A die that tells where to put your hand or leg)
- Players must move their matching hand or foot to a dot of the correct color.
- Due to the scarcity of colored circles, players will often be required to put themselves in unlikely or precarious positions, eventually causing someone to fall.
- A person is eliminated when she falls / her elbow, knee or bottom touches the mat.
- Points will be awarded based on how long the person lasted in the game. For example, if there were 8 players and you were the first to get knocked out, you will only get one point. Whereas the last person in the game will get 8 points.
- The points are totaled from the two players from the same school. The winning duo will receive a small prize.
- The next round begins
- The game is played for a total of 30 minutes. The schools will continue sending 2 different representatives per round. The school with the most number of winning teams will have 5 bonus points.
Station 2) River Newspaper
Number of People needed: 6 teams of 8 people each (Each team of 6 must all come from different schools)
Procedure of Game:
- The girls will find their teams.
- Each team will assemble at the starting point. Each team will be given 2 newspaper sheets of A3 size each.
- Each team will make use of the 2 newspaper sheets to make it to the finishing line.
- Their feet are not allowed to touch any part of the floor.
- Points will be awarded according to the speed of the group. The first group that finishes will receive 6 points assuming there are 6 groups and subsequent groups will receive 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 point respectively.
Station 3) Sole To Soul
- Players are to get into groups of 8.
- They should sit in a circle with their soles touching one another's in a bent position.
- They should be holding hands and are not allowed to let go.
- The aim of the game is to stand up without removing contact with the other person's sole.
- Should they fall or remove contact, they must go back to their starting position.
- Points will be awarded according to the speed of the group. The first group that finishes will receive 6 points assuming there are 6 groups and subsequent groups will receive 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 point respectively.
Gadget Competition 2010!
Programme Schedule
21st May 2010, Friday
Gadget Competition
Time | Activity | Action by | Venue |
2.45-2.55 | Roll Call & Briefing | CLs & ACLs | Quadrangle |
2.55-3.10 | PT | All | Around school |
3.10-3.15 | Gadget Competition Briefing | I/Cs | Canteen Area |
3.15-3.20 | Collection of logistics | All | Guide Room |
3.20-4.50 | Building of gadgets | All | Canteen Area |
4.50-5.20 | Judging & Presentation | Guiders | Canteen Area |
5.20-5.40 | Returning of logistics | All | Guide Room |
5.40-6.00 | Debrief & Taps | All | Canteen Area |
Sec 1-3: LSC'10 tee + NY shorts / dark blue straight-cut FBTs
Sec 4: Blue tee + NY shorts / dark blue straight-cut FBTs
Things to note:
- If you are unable to attend CCA session, please submit a signed excuse letter to the ACLs.
- Please remember to bring your own twine and penknives.
All the best for the competition! J
This is a reminder that the Gadget Competition Draft 2 proposals are due on the 15 May 2010, Saturday. Do approach your PLs if you have a valid reason and thus unable to meet this deadline.
Also, there would be a tryout session for your gadgets on the 17 May 2010, Monday. Please inform any of the ICs (Huimin 403, Yunqi 402, Jolene 405) if your patrol wants to have a gadget tryout session or you can email your request to Huimin at as soon as possible!
All patrols are to pack your logistics latest by 17 May 2010, unless otherwise directed by the ICs. Please inform the ICs if you are unable to pack your logistics by that deadline.
Please also be reminded that you should use your own twine. This is so that your knots and lashings will be tight, as the guide room twine may not be in optimum condition to ensure the stability of your gadgets. You should cut the twine before the gadget competition, but you may request to use the guide room twine during the tryout session if necessary.
Thank you and goodbye,
Gadget competition ICs
Details for T-shirt design competition
An announcement was made last week during debrief about the tee-shirt design competition(TSDC), so I believe all of you already know about it! Here are more details on the competition! (:
1. The theme for the designs would be "What NYGG means".
2. Participation in this competition is compulsory for all guides.
3. Guides can submit design entries individually or in groups. The number of people in one group should not exceed 10.
4. Each guide is allowed to submit more than one design.
5. For submission of entries, soft copies are to be sent to and hard copies are to be handed in to Si Hui in class 404, by 28 May 2010.
28/05 - All entries should be in.
01/06 - Entries uploaded on company blog will be open for voting.
13/06 - Voting ends.
26/06 - Winning entry to be announced.
I look forward to your active participation! :)
Programme Schedule for 11th May 2010
Dear Guides, here is the programme schedule for tomorrow's CCA session. Please take note of the difference in attire. We apologise for uploading this late. See you all tomorrow!
Programme Schedule
11th May 2010, Tuesday
Time | Action | Action By | Venue | |
3.00pm – 3.20pm | Roll call and briefing | Guiders, CLs and ACLs | Quadrangle | |
3.20pm—3.25pm | Collection of Logistics | All guides | Various venues | |
3.25pm—5.00pm | Sec 1 | Sec 2—4 | All guides | Kitchen / Guide Board |
Decorating the Guide Board | Baking goodies | |||
5.00pm—5.30pm | Packaging of food | All guides (Incl. Sec 1s) | Kitchen | |
5.30pm—5.45pm | Clearing up | All guides | Kitchen | |
5.45pm - 6.00pm | Debrief and Taps | Guiders, CLs and ACLs | Canteen Area |
Sec 1s: PE tee + NY shorts / dark blue straight-cut FBTs
Sec 2s to 4s: LSC '09 tee + NY shorts / dark blue straight-cut FBTs
Things to note:
- Sec 1 guides are to finish decorating the guide board by this CCA session and are expected to be able to do so.
- If you are unable to attend CCA session, please submit a signed excuse letter to the ACLs.
- All guides are reminded to bring the required self-sourced logistics.