hello! here's the promised time frame for 26th february, friday. and also the parade procedure, for people who are still unsure.
oh and a reminder to bring your full school uniform [hongzi, skirt, ny socks, school shoes] to school on friday, because you won't want to walk around in guide uniform. ;D

Squads are to be in sedia position by 0725(do note that being in postions and being in sedia are 2 different things) before the school proceeds down to the quadrangle for morning assembly.
Once music for the students to settle down ends, the Thinking Day Parade starts.
1) Contingent contingent, masok baris
2) Marching music for squads 1 and 2
Guides who are not marching yet have to hentak on the spot while the people in front of them move forward. Before stopping, turn to face the front.
3) Marching music for squads 1 and 2 commanders
4) Marching music for squad 3
5) Contingent contingent, ke-kenan lu-rus
[Nyssa: one check one.]
6) Contingent contingent, pandang ke-hadapan pandang
[Nyssa: up.]
All Guides to look front. Squad commanders to stay the position marked beforehand.
7) Contingent contingent, senang di-ri
8) Sekolah sedia
All will sedia with school.
9) Parade commander and Company leader on stage will turn to face the national flag.
Parade commander, squad commanders, and Company leader will salute.
[Aurelia: check up.]
National Anthem is played.
Singapore flag and World flag is raised.
Parade commander, squad commanders and Company leader will put down their salute.
[Aurelia: check down.]
Parade commander and Company leader will turn to face the front.
10) Membacherkan Igra
[Nyssa: check up.]
All to recite loudly and clearly the pledge in Chinese.
[Nyssa: check down.]
11) Parade commander and Company leader to turn to face the school flag.
School Song is played.
School flag is raised.
At end of school song, Parade commander and Company leader turn back to face the school.
Colour party marches back to the back of the podium.
[Weiqi: up, one check one. check up, check down. one check one, left right left. one check one. one check one.]
12) Sekolah senang di-ri
Thinking day message will be said by Company leader.
13) Contingent contingent, sedia
Colour party to march to the podium.
[Weiqi: up.]
Renewal of Guide Promise to be said by Michelle.
[Nyssa: check up. check down.]
14) Squad commanders on the extreme left and right will march to the front and back of the contingent respectively.
[Meishan: up, one check one.]
Marching music to be played.
Squad commander of squad 3 will remain at same position.
15) Contingent contingent, bergerak ke-kenan bertiga-tiga, ke-kenan pusing
16) Contingent contingent, dari kiri cepat ja-lan
17) March-out music to be played.
18) Michelle and colour party to march off after last person in contingent passes podium.
Parade commander to fall out and fall in at back of podium as morning announcements are being read.
19) (after morning announcements):
Sekolah sedia.
Sekolah keluar baris.
[Nyssa: one check one, left right left.]
Parade commander falls out.
WHEEEEEE okay that's it!!
jiayous for Thinking Day Parade 2010! :)
rmb the comments given by the FCs/ by the seniors, and do your best!
<3, FCs!
oh and a reminder to bring your full school uniform [hongzi, skirt, ny socks, school shoes] to school on friday, because you won't want to walk around in guide uniform. ;D

Squads are to be in sedia position by 0725(do note that being in postions and being in sedia are 2 different things) before the school proceeds down to the quadrangle for morning assembly.
Once music for the students to settle down ends, the Thinking Day Parade starts.
1) Contingent contingent, masok baris
2) Marching music for squads 1 and 2
Guides who are not marching yet have to hentak on the spot while the people in front of them move forward. Before stopping, turn to face the front.
3) Marching music for squads 1 and 2 commanders
4) Marching music for squad 3
5) Contingent contingent, ke-kenan lu-rus
[Nyssa: one check one.]
6) Contingent contingent, pandang ke-hadapan pandang
[Nyssa: up.]
All Guides to look front. Squad commanders to stay the position marked beforehand.
7) Contingent contingent, senang di-ri
8) Sekolah sedia
All will sedia with school.
9) Parade commander and Company leader on stage will turn to face the national flag.
Parade commander, squad commanders, and Company leader will salute.
[Aurelia: check up.]
National Anthem is played.
Singapore flag and World flag is raised.
Parade commander, squad commanders and Company leader will put down their salute.
[Aurelia: check down.]
Parade commander and Company leader will turn to face the front.
10) Membacherkan Igra
[Nyssa: check up.]
All to recite loudly and clearly the pledge in Chinese.
[Nyssa: check down.]
11) Parade commander and Company leader to turn to face the school flag.
School Song is played.
School flag is raised.
At end of school song, Parade commander and Company leader turn back to face the school.
Colour party marches back to the back of the podium.
[Weiqi: up, one check one. check up, check down. one check one, left right left. one check one. one check one.]
12) Sekolah senang di-ri
Thinking day message will be said by Company leader.
13) Contingent contingent, sedia
Colour party to march to the podium.
[Weiqi: up.]
Renewal of Guide Promise to be said by Michelle.
[Nyssa: check up. check down.]
14) Squad commanders on the extreme left and right will march to the front and back of the contingent respectively.
[Meishan: up, one check one.]
Marching music to be played.
Squad commander of squad 3 will remain at same position.
15) Contingent contingent, bergerak ke-kenan bertiga-tiga, ke-kenan pusing
16) Contingent contingent, dari kiri cepat ja-lan
17) March-out music to be played.
18) Michelle and colour party to march off after last person in contingent passes podium.
Parade commander to fall out and fall in at back of podium as morning announcements are being read.
19) (after morning announcements):
Sekolah sedia.
Sekolah keluar baris.
[Nyssa: one check one, left right left.]
Parade commander falls out.
WHEEEEEE okay that's it!!
jiayous for Thinking Day Parade 2010! :)
rmb the comments given by the FCs/ by the seniors, and do your best!
<3, FCs!