Dear all,
Here is Friday's (20 Feb) CCA schedule.
Here is Friday's (20 Feb) CCA schedule.
Attire: PE tee + NY shorts
Time: 3pm- 6pm
1500-1505 Attendance taking
1505-1525 PT + Games
1525-1700 Revision of Guiding basics (Greetings, falling out, enrolment lesson) + Song session!
1700-1745 Designing of Guide board
1745-1800 Taps + Dismissal
Things to do beforehand/bring:
1) Read up handout (the one with all the info on Guiding knowledge
2) Practise falling out (make sure you know how to fall out by Fri, we'll be testing you!)
3) Bring writing materials (pen + paper) and your water bottles (:
4) Please do some research beforehand on what kind of design you would like to have on the guide board. You may want to bring some designs for reference.
Please meet at 402 classroom (Science block Level 1) at 3pm sharp, with your bags and belongings.
See you!
(Sarah, Xiaoen, Lingxin and Chinwen)
(Sarah, Xiaoen, Lingxin and Chinwen)