
Showing posts from July, 2020

Tuesday 28/07/2020 Schedule

Hello Guides!

CCA on 28 July, Tuesday is for SEC 3 GUIDES AND HALF OF THE SEC 2s ONLY! There will be NO CCA for the Sec 1s and the other half of the Sec 2s.

Here is the schedule for CCA on 28 July, Tuesday. 

Action by
16:30 -18:00
PLC for Sec 3s only
Google Meet (refer to the WhatsApp message for Google meet link)

Sec 3s: School-based shirt/hongzi 

List of reminders:

For Sec 3s:
1. Please be punctual in entering the Google Meet! Report by 4.30pm.

2. Try to test your Google meet and network beforehand if you know you have a problem, notify beforehand or try to fix it! 
3. Switch on your cameras and mute your call when not speaking! 

For Sec 2s:
1. Sec 2s please follow the instructions and schedule given to you by Ms Teng and your ICs (Nicole, Xiu Yuan) for your BPA session on Tuesday. 

2. Please check with your ICs (Nicole and Xiu Yuan) if you are unclear about anything. 


Friday 17/07/2020 Schedule

Hello Guides!

CCA on 17 July, Friday is for SEC 3 GUIDES AND HALF OF THE SEC 2s ONLY! There will be no CCA for the Sec 1s and the other half of the Sec 2s.

Here is the schedule for CCA on 17 July, Friday. 

Action by
17:00 -18:30
PLC for Sec 3s only
Google Meet (refer to the WhatsApp message for Google meet link)

Sec 3s: School-based shirt/hongzi 

List of reminders:

For Sec 3s:
1. Please be punctual in entering the Google Meet! Report by 5pm.

2. Try to test your Google meet and network beforehand if you know you have a problem, notify beforehand or try to fix it! 
3. Switch on your cameras and mute your call when not speaking! 

For Sec 2s:
1. Sec 2s please follow the instructions and schedule given to you by Ms Teng and your ICs (Yufan, Elise) for your BPA session on Friday. 

2. Please check with your ICs (Yufan and Elise) if you are unclear about anything. 



Hi Guides!

Here are some announcements and reminders from Ms Teng, Exco and FCs today. 

1) This Friday (17/7) PLC for Sec 3s only!!

2) For Sec 2s
    - 1/2 attending BPA this Friday (17/7)  [ICs: Yufan, Elise]
    - 1/2 attending BPA T3W8 Tuesday (28/7)  [ICs: Nicole, Xiu Yuan] 
    - check with the ICs in your batch if you are unclear of anything about the BPA sessions

3) Next week (20/7–26/7) term-break, no CCA

4) T3W8: PLC for Sec 3s only on Tuesday (28/7)!!

5) T3W9: CCA restart 

6) Reminder to keep your cameras on throughout the CCA session, we have already mentioned this multiple times so please take note, we should not be constantly stressing you on this!! :((

7) Continue to revise your foot drills commands and everything taught by your FCs today, you never know when you’ll be tested on them again, so it’s good to familiarise yourself with the commands, to save time in future :)) 

Thank you and have a good break!! :D 


Tuesday 14/07/2020 Schedule

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 14th July, Tuesday.

 Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking + Briefing Company Google Meet 

Exco & FCs
4.40pm- 4.45pm Checking of Camera angle + Attire Respective Batch Zoom Calls 
Foot drillsRespective Batch Zoom Calls 
Feedback/Debrief + Dismissal Company Google Meet 
Exco, FCs & Guider on duty

Sec 1s: PE shirt + School skirt + Socks (if needed)
Sec 2-3s: PE shirt + Guides skirt + Belt & Whistle + Hat + Bun + Socks (if needed)

List of reminders:

1. *Everyone should report at exactly 4.30pm so if anyone comes after that, they will be considered late!!

2. Please be punctual in entering the Company Google Meet! If you really cannot make in on time because of a valid reason, notify the PLs beforehand so we know if we can move on, and PLs do take note of your patrol’s attendance :)) 

3. *Remember to revise footdrill commands before the CCA session!!

4.  Enter company call via Google Meet, then enter respective batch zoom calls (will send details) 

5. Everyone needs to find a device that has a working camera and mic. Cameras are to be on throughout the ENTIRE call and mic should be on for timing. Try to position your device where your FULL BODY (from head to toe) can be seen before the call.

6. Please use an *identifiable* name when entering the calls, if not we cannot and will not admit you

7. Test your zoom/google meet network beforehand if you know you have a problem, notify beforehand or try to fix it! 

8. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!!



Hi Guides!

Here are some announcements from Ms Teng today.

1) Do remember to complete your Guiding Light Assignments diligently as these will contribute towards you earning the Bronze/Silver/Gold badge (which will be necessary for awards such as BPA and PGA).

2) The Sec 2s will be involved in an online BPA CCA session on 17 July, Friday from 5pm to 6.30pm. This means that the Sec 2s will have CCA on both Tuesday 14/7 and Friday 17/7 in Week 7. 
For Group 1, you will be with Ms Ong, with Nicole and Yufan as ICs. For Group 2, you will be with Ms Teng, with Elise and Xiuyuan as ICs. (Do check the email sent by Ms Teng for more details). We hope that you will participate actively and give the external guides your fullest support & cooperation! 

Thank you!



Tuesday 07/07/2020 Schedule

Hello Guides!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 7th July, Tuesday.

 Time Activity Venue Action by
Attendance Taking and briefingCompany Google Meet

PLs to take attendance of their patrol during the first five minutes and report to EXCO.
4.40pm- 5.20pmPatrol Bonding sessionBuddy patrol Google MeetsEveryone 
Footdrills TheoryCompany Google Meet 
followed by...
Sec 1s: Zoom
Sec 2&3s: Google Meet 
 5.45pm- 5.55pmDebriefCompany Google MeetExco, ICs & Guider on duty

Sec 1-3s: Any school-based shirt/Hong Zi 

List of reminders:

1. *Everyone should report at exactly 4.30pm so if anyone comes after that, they will be considered late!!

2. Please be punctual in entering the Company Google Meet! If you really cannot make in on time because of a valid reason, notify the PLs beforehand so we know if we can move on, and PLs do take note of your patrol’s attendance :)) 

3. *For Sec2 & 3s, remember to revise footdrill commands before the CCA session :D

4. Please use an *identifiable* name when entering the calls, if not we cannot and will not admit you

5. Try to test your zoom/google meet network beforehand if you know you have a problem, notify beforehand or try to fix it! 

6. Please be in the right attire stated above during CCA!!

7. Mute your call when you are not speaking. 


Friday 03/07/2020 Schedule

Hello Guides!

CCA on 3rd July, Friday is for SEC 3 GUIDES ONLY!

Here is the schedule for CCA on 3 July, Friday. 

Action by
17:00 -18:30
PLC for Sec 3s only
Google Meet (refer to the WhatsApp message for Google meet link)
Sec 3s: School-based shirt

List of reminders:

1. Please be punctual in entering the Google Meet! Report by 5pm.

2. Try to test your Google meet and network beforehand if you know you have a problem, notify beforehand or try to fix it! 
3. Switch on your cameras and mute your call when not speaking!

Exco’21 🐣