Hey Sec 1s!
We hope you guys had an enriching enrolment lesson so here's the Enrolment Test Details!
Enrolment Test Time & VenueTime: 1100
Venue: Science Block, Level 2, Class 405
Things to bring: Guide Scarf and Stationery
Look out for Sheryl and Charmaine, the Enrolment Lesson I/Cs and report to them so they can note down your attendence.
Please grab something to eat beforehand in case the test takes up the whole of the remaining recess!
*Sec 4s to report to Class 405 at 1050.Test Dates Allocation
What You Need to Know-Folding + Tying of scarf
-Falling out
-Guide Promise
-10 Guide Laws
-Guide Motto
-How Guide Movement Began (Briefly)
-Good Turn
-World Song (Singing)
-12 Patrols' Names in NYGG
-World Flag (Drawing + Significance)
-Significance of Guide Trefoil
-Significance of the World Badge
-Thinking Day
-Thinking Day Fund
-Whistle signals
-Kim's Game
Enrolment Test Format-Kim's Game will be tested together first. Rough papers will be provided.
-Each Sec 1 will then go to a Sec 4 and sit face to face
-Sec 4 will test the Sec 1 verbally through the responses of the Sec 1 like recitation, explanation and singing
-Sec 4 will decide whether to pass the Sec 1 based on her response
-As for Falling Out and Folding+Tying Scarf, Sec 1s will have to do it as a practical and Sec 4 will then decide whether to pass the Sec 1 based on the steps taken.
-Sec 1s will only have to draw the World Flag and rough papers will be provided
Enrolment Make-Up LessonAs for absentees of the enrolment lesson/part of the enrolment lesson, there will be a make-up lesson after school on Monday, 22nd March, 2.10pm. Please come to 403 ASAP as Charmaine will only wait till 2.20pm.
If you can't make it for the make-up lesson after school on Monday, come during Monday's break time to class 405 too and Sheryl or Charmaine will give you a crash course and then you'll be tested on Wednesday, 24th March. This probably only applies to Kok Siew Peng Evelyn of 113.
Meanwhile absentees can do the following to prepare for Enrolment Test:
-Revise your guide handbook pg 16-28, 35-38, 47
-Get online notes from http://www.girlguides.org.sg/cos/o.x?c=/ggs/pagetree&func=view&rid=5107 on how to fold the guide scarf
Re-TestIn the event that you fail the Enrolment Test in your first attempt on Monday, you can retake on Wednesday. If you fail that too, we will see then but we believe you all can do it! :D
However, if you are taking the Enrolment Test on Wednesday and failed it, you probably be re-tested after school on Thursday.
Any questions, please tag(:

That's all! ;D
Enrolment Lesson I/Cs,
Sheryl & Charmaine