Nanyang Festival of Arts 2009 -- Ushering Duties
I/Cs: Kah Mun (302), Evie (303), Ping Zheng (311), Michelle (314)
The Festival of Arts is where Nanyang's SYF Performing Arts teams will be putting on a show.
It will be held on 11 July, Saturday, with 2 time slots - 2.30pm and 7.30pm, at Nanyang's school auditorium.
These duties are only before and after the show. During the show itself, Guides are likely to be stationing and different areas outside/in the auditorium.
The attire will be hongzi with blue blazer. The reporting time should be 1 hour before the show - 1.30pm, and 6.30pm. Your shifts should end about half an hour after the show. We are guessing that the show will be around 2 hours, so your shifts should be ending at 5pm and 9 pm respectively.
On the day itself, the Guides will be split into two shifts, and the manpower allocation will be out by 12 June. This is why we need the Sec 3s to collate the information such as whether you are going for either of the shows, whether you are free for the other slot (or both), and whether you can borrow a blazer for the duty. For those who bought a ticket to one show and are able to make it for the other show, your shift will likely be at the other show, we will not allocate you to the shift of your show.
Please tell the Sec 3s in your patrol the following information:
1) Whether you have bought the ticket and for which show
2) If you have bought a ticket, state whether you can make it for the other show.
E.g. If you have bought a ticket for the 7.30 show, will you be able to make it for the 1.30pm-5pm shift?
If not, which shifts can you make it for and why not.
E.g. Can make it for either shifts/Cannot make if for 1 shift - because of tuition.
3) Whether a blue blazer is available, and if not, what size?
(If you do not have one, a blazer will be borrowed from the General Office.

And include the Patrol you’re in and who collated the information.
Please help your Sec 3s by stating clearly the following info, or she would have a hard time collating for the patrol! And thank you Sec 3s!
Send the information in to by this Tuesday, 9pm. The deadline has been extended due to too much information being left out at the announcement. Sorry and thank you!